操作系统 – Windows 10(64 位)CPU – AMD 锐龙 5 5900X / 英特尔酷睿 i7-10700KRAM – 16 GB(双通道模式)GPU – AMD RX 6800 / Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080已知的问题Far Cry 6 在如何利用资源方面存在一些问题,这意味着即使是最好的硬件也无法从游戏中挤出卓越的性能。如果您打算使用 HD Texture Pack...
If you have a weak set of hardware and your RAM is low, or ifyour graphics card is old, we recommend that you set a maximum FPS restriction for the Far Cry 6. This should lessen the strain on the CPU or GPU. To set a limited FPS, you need to go into the game’sSettings > Gr...
The world of Far Cry 6 has been subdivided into 3 main regions, West, Central and East, each with it’s own visual identity. The west was the dry region, central was the wetlands, and the east was the jungle region. To enhance these distinctions, we wanted our weather to differ betwee...
因此当我完全体验下来,相比于Far Cry5,Far Cry6中加入了较多的其他元素,第一人称开放世界带来的代入感是较弱的,玩家仅能感受到FPS战斗上的强烈代入感,毕竟野路子制作台还有那个夸张的背包都是在增强玩家的战斗体验,这些“古怪”道具让玩家在击杀敌人时感受到了以往孤岛惊魂没有过的强大与畅快。可从剧情上来...
This is also the first time the RTX 3090 has delivered better performance than the RTX 3080 Ti. While 12GB VRAM should be enough,Far Cry 6at ultra settings starts to benefit from having 16GB or more. Sixty fps at 4K is still possible on quite a few cards, though nothing that nominally...
As we all know, Far Cry 6 action-adventure FPS game, that takes place on an island called Yara. The core gameplay is quite similar to the previous Far Cry titles, with some new additions here and there. The world of Far Cry 6 is the biggest one yet. You take the role of a Yaran...
Far Cry First Person Shooter Far Cry 2 First Person Shooter Far Cry 3 First Person Shooter Far Cry 4 First Person Shooter Far Cry 5 First Person Shooter Far Cry 6 First Person Shooter Tags far cry 1 FarCry1 farcry Action FPS Moddable Single-Player Embed Buttons Link to Far...
Here are the Far Cry 6 PC requirements you need to be aware of. Minimum settings 1080p, 30 FPS, DirectX ray tracing turned off CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 at 3.1 GHz, Intel i5-4460 at 3.2 GHz, or equivalent GPU: AMD RX 460 with 4 GB VRAM, NVIDIA GTX 960 with 4 GB VRAM, or equiv...
Ubisoft has confirmedFar Cry New Dawn, its post-apocalyptic spin-off, will receive a 60 FPS update on Xbox Series X/S and PS5. However, deploying it means the former’s FPS Boost feature will be disabled. The update should go live with the shooter’s addition to Game Passon February...