Far Cry 6 提高 FPS 的最佳设置Far Cry 6 是一款视觉震撼的游戏,就像它的前辈一样。这一次,我们还获得了光线追踪支持以及 AMD 的 FidelityFX 超级分辨率 (AMD FSR),以帮助您在高分辨率显示器上获得最大帧速率。我们将讨论我们认为 FC6 中的最佳设置,牢记视觉和性能影响,但首先我们需要讨论游戏的规定系统要求...
The world of Far Cry 6 has been subdivided into 3 main regions, West, Central and East, each with it’s own visual identity. The west was the dry region, central was the wetlands, and the east was the jungle region. To enhance these distinctions, we wanted our weather to differ betwee...
Buy Far Cry 6 on PlayStation Store. Play as Dani Rojas, a local Yaran, and become a guerrilla fighter to liberate the nation.
Why you should play Far Cry 6 "The latest entry in Ubisoft's open-world FPS series takes all of Far Cry's core elements, polishes them to a buffed shine, and packages them up in a hugely enjoyable adventure. Stunning tropical setting? Check. Memorable villain? Check. Sprawling world map...
Ubisoft favors 60FPS gameplay over ray tracing for new-gen Comments (Image credit: Ubisoft) Far Cry 6 will drop ray tracing on PS5 and Xbox Series X in favor of 60fps gameplay. Earlier this week, Wccftech reported that Far Cry 6 would be limiting ray tracing features to PC only, skipp...
Far Cry6就像是这三个“单独的游戏”拼接到一起的一样,它们各司其职试图让游戏变得更好,可最终获得并不是1+1=2,而是1+1<2。第三人称的加入在某种程度上 “颠覆”了孤岛惊魂系列,因为在Far Cry6中的“第一人称元素”只剩下了FPS据点战(幸运的是由于野路子和破敌背包等新设计与不错的据点战,让FPS...
User Contrabardus first disabled the overlay to avoid an intrusive low VRAM notification bug, but observes that their frame rate jumped from just short of 60fps on ultra settings with ray tracing options enabled and FidelityFX disabled to a healthy 70fps. Better yet, it stabilised Far Cry 6’...
If you have a weak set of hardware and your RAM is low, or ifyour graphics card is old, we recommend that you set a maximum FPS restriction for the Far Cry 6. This should lessen the strain on the CPU or GPU. To set a limited FPS, you need to go into the game’sSettings > Gr...
Far Cry 4's Elephants. A View Of The Himalayas. A 'Hunter' Enemy. Ajay Using The Auto-Cross Royal Army Using A Mortar Ajay Using the Harpoon Gun Far Cry 4's Rhinos Limited edition cover Pagan Min killed by explosion Multiplayer
孤岛惊魂6(Far Cry 6)是育碧开发的第一人称射击游戏farcry系列作品,故事背景发生在美丽但又动荡不安的...