操作系统 – Windows 10(64 位)CPU – AMD 锐龙 5 5900X / 英特尔酷睿 i7-10700KRAM – 16 GB(双通道模式)GPU – AMD RX 6800 / Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080已知的问题Far Cry 6 在如何利用资源方面存在一些问题,这意味着即使是最好的硬件也无法从游戏中挤出卓越的性能。如果您打算使用 HD Texture Pack...
A Cinematic Reshade preset for Far Cry 6. Works with SDR and HDR10. 10 fps drop on my PC. 8KB 16 -- Improved 3rd Person Miscellaneous Uploaded: 18 Mar 2024 Last Update: 18 Mar 2024 Author: exry0 Uploader: vband0 This is a modification of the mod made by wongyuhua. The ...
孤岛惊魂6(Far Cry 6)是育碧开发的第一人称射击游戏farcry系列作品,故事背景发生在美丽但又动荡不安的...
Far Cry 4 First Person Shooter Far Cry 5 First Person Shooter Far Cry 6 First Person Shooter Tags far cry 1 FarCry1 farcry Action FPS Moddable Single-Player Embed Buttons Link to Far Cry by selecting a button and using the embed code provided more... Statistics Rank 40 of 73...
Far Cry6就像是这三个“单独的游戏”拼接到一起的一样,它们各司其职试图让游戏变得更好,可最终获得并不是1+1=2,而是1+1<2。第三人称的加入在某种程度上 “颠覆”了孤岛惊魂系列,因为在Far Cry6中的“第一人称元素”只剩下了FPS据点战(幸运的是由于野路子和破敌背包等新设计与不错的据点战,让FPS...
Far Cry 5 - deserves more and the Resistance-Mod gives you this opportunity. You will be able to control the weather and time, respawn enemies and participants in the resistance, defend roadblocks, change spawn modes: from war to quiet nirvana, hunting and fishing. ...
Far Cry is a singleplayer and multiplayer first-person adventure, action, FPS and shooter game in the Far Cry series. 64-bit version is available for separate download. See Patches. Water reflections are broken on Windows Vista and later. Use SilentPatch on modern systems. General informatio...
Far Cry 4 (stylized as FARCRY 4) is the fourth game in the Far Cry series. The game is set in the fictional country of Kyrat, located in the Himalayan mountains. It was released on November 18, 2014 worldwide for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Pl
英文名称:Far Cry 6 游戏类型:第一人称射击FPS 游戏制作:Ubisoft 游戏发行:Ubisoft 游戏平台:XBOX ONE,PS4,PS5,PC 游戏语言:英文,中文 发售日期:2021-10-07 简介: 孤岛惊魂6(Far Cry 6)是第一人称射击游戏farcry系列新作,故事背景发生在美丽但...
KÆMP MOD JOSEPH SEEDS MORDERISKE KULT Befri Hope County fra Eden's Gate-kulten og Seed-familien. Oplev den første fremkomst af den karismatiske antagonist Joseph Seed, før han vender tilbage i Far Cry® New Dawn og hans helt egen, dedikerede DLC i Far Cry® 6, Collapse. ...