FAP protein can be isolated from tissue or blood samples by immunocapture with an FAP-specific antibody, followed by a general fluorescence intensity assay for dipeptidyl-peptidases using a peptide substrate attached to a chemically quenched dye, such as Z-Gly-Pro-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) ...
In this Example, we have shown that FAPL_FITC can recognize mouse FAP. Briefly, NIH-3T3 cells were induced with TGFβ to express FAP (mimicking the pathogenesis of fibrosis in mice). FAPL_FITC can recognize almost 98% of the cell population that binds to a specific monoclonal antibody aga...
The antibodies utilized for immunodetection included anti-FAP (catalog number BMS168, sourced from eBiosciencce, 1:500).Once the primary antibody incubation was complete, the slides underwent a washing process to remove any unbound antibodies. Subsequently, they were incubated with secondary ...
The antibodies utilized for immunodetection included anti-FAP (catalog number BMS168, sourced from eBiosciencce, 1:500).Once the primary antibody incubation was complete, the slides underwent a washing process to remove any unbound antibodies. Subsequently, they were incubated with secondary ...
评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: fap抗肿瘤疫苗蛋白祝先潮活结 (第 37 卷 4 期 安徽师范大学学 报 ( 自然科学版 ) 2 0 1 4 年 7 月 J o u r n a l o f A nhu i N o r m a l U n i v e r s it y ( N a t u r a l S c i e n c e ) V o l...
Cell surface glycoprotein of reactive stromal fibroblasts as a potential antibody target in human epithelial cancers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1990;87:7235–9. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.87.18.7235. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hu K, Wang L, Wu H, Huang S, Tian Y...
and the latter was measured by a commercial sandwich ELISA kit (F2131–K01, Eagle Bioscience) according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer; with this assay, one antibody specifically binds an epitope in the N-terminal part of human FGF21 while the second antibody is specific for ...
recombinant antibody fragments, which ensure specific cell interaction. Multispecific immunoliposomes can be prepared to improve the liposome to cell interaction by targeting multiple different targets at the same time, for instance by coupling two or more different ligands to the liposomal surface, ...
Fibroblast activation protein (FAP) is tumor-specific and plays an important role in tumorigenecity. However, agents against its enzymatic activity or extracellular presence were unsuccessful in the clinic for undefined reasons. Here we show that FAP expression is higher in advanced ovarian cancer and...