Geometric information, layout information, etc. of workpieces and others are read from a CAD system etc. into a simulation system. A three-dimensional model is laid out on a screen
Free download (32 Kb)AUTOMGEN7 is a workshop for automation, supervision and 2D/3D process simulation that functions on a PC, under the WINDOWS operating system. It is used in teaching, beginning from secondary school, for learning about automations and within industry, for applications ...
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Kind Code: B4 Abstract: Bearbeitungsprogramm-Erzeugungsvorrichtung, die eine Bearbeitungssimulation auf einem interaktiven Bildschirm (300, 320) ermöglicht, wobei ein Bearbeitungsprogramm, das eine oder mehrere Bearbeitungsprozeduren enthält, durch die Eingabe von Daten in Eingabeelemente (12,...
simulation or test run. For example, by performing a test run to decelerate and stop the rotary axis61from the maximum rotation number at the maximum torque (the full torque) to calculate from the maximum torque characteristic and the moment of inertia with respect to the rotation number, the...