If you’d like to purchase your own copy, you can get the ebook or the physical book! For more MinaLima, there’s also a pop-up shop at Universal Orlando. Newtcase: changelings! The moral of changelings is “be nice to children.” Podcast Question: What’s your favorite piece of Mi...
I laugh at my life and these surprising and delightful and wretchedly dark alleyways it's leading me down. A dull psychiatrist would say it's nothing more than a defense mechanism. I don't believe that at all. This is not about protecting myself or "processing". It's "saying Yes to...
sir, you are in the market for an all-new context.” The Dealer or shamanic conman of the scenario will tell our dreamer that he’s a “metaphysical mutant
The two folia constitute a flyleaf, originally blank, and the first folio of The Arabian Nights. The latter consists of the title page with five lines: “A Book, of tales from a Thousand Nights, There is neither strength nor power except in God the, Highest, the Mightiest,” while the ...
Practice should always be based upon a sound knowledge of theory, of which perspective is the guide and gateway, and without it nothing can be done well in any kind of painting."Howard David Johnson is a contemporary realistic visual artist and photographer with a background in the natural ...
Hexis cursed. Literally. He is potentially the most powerful mage in the world, but it causes him pain to use magic. And he can’t use it unless he’s asked. Cuts down on the possibilities. Hex has been a big part of the Murphy’s Lore books and finally has his own book By Dark...
FINAL CRISIS #3 Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: J.G. Jones Publisher: DC Reviewer:Optimous Douche The thing I find most baffling about this series has nothing to do with the story itself. What boggles my addled brain, is why anyone would feel that this series needs two cover treatments. ...
like a pilot who goes into a ship without rudder or compass and never has any certainty where he is going. Practice should always be based upon a sound knowledge of theory, of which perspective is the guide and gateway, and without it nothing can be done well in any kind of painting."...
(Irons) has now displaced Basil Rathbone’s King Richard and taken center stage. Actually, to be honest, the performance is less Karloff inTower of Londonand more his grim presences in films such asGraft,The Old Dark House,The Walking Deadand particularlyBritish Intelligence(Secret Enemyin the...
In the aftermath of a horrific accident, Elisa believes that she’s been given super powers and will stop at nothing to avenge her mother’s death. THE ANTARES PARADOX Spain, 2022 World Premiere, 96 min Director – Luis Tinoco Pineda ...