Ben:What the hell are these people going to teach you? Bo:I know nothing! I know nothing! I am a freak because of you! You made us freaks! And mom knew that! She understood! Unless it comes out of a fucking book, I don't know anything about anything! Ben和妻子曾无比痛恨他们所...
Episode 200 is a party AND NOTHING ELSE. Thanks to this week's Patreon supporter, VlightPhase! We appreciate you sticking with us to the end. Phoenix Register: Dawn French (The Fat Lady from the Harry Potter movies) had a real-life Erumpent mating dance moment! Listen to her ...
Air For Sale Vendors (specifically Rising Waters in the Nightmare) will see nothing/air for 0 gold. Arbe, Why? In late 1.10 (Fishing) Update, Arbewhy sometimes glitches, mis-positioning itself on the left and/or right side and/or is tilted. Patched Bigger Drought Nearly identical to...
Nothing says 'catch' like a man who Gantt-charts his dating history. The reality of being a "player" was not always what I had imagined it to be though. Take Alice, for example: she was kind of a hopeless romantic who had spent a decade pining over her ex. Three dates in, she wa...
Practice should always be based upon a sound knowledge of theory, of which perspective is the guide and gateway, and without it nothing can be done well in any kind of painting."Howard David Johnson is a contemporary realistic visual artist and photographer with a background in the natural ...
3 Tips to Creating a Time Bomb Plot DeviceandHow to Create a Setting from Nothing in 5 Stepsby Jonathan Vars Editing Someone Else’s Workby Kate Coe beth hilljoe buntingkate coe Book Review: The Gryb by A.E. Van Vogt December 16, 2017 ...
Every one of us can be a hero for the environment. 我们每个人都可以成为环保英雄。 When I was small, Uncle Fred was my hero. 在我小时候,弗雷德叔叔是我的偶像。 A hero is nothing but a product of his time. 时势造英雄。 典例 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。
If you didn’t know, the Little Red Dot is one of Singapore’s various nicknames, but the museum’s name has nothing to do with Singapore and actually comes from its sister property in Germany, the famous Red Dot Design Museum in Essen which you can visit on an epic roadtrip across Eur...
When science and technology are developed, it seems that people will have nothing to do. While reading the story a question comes to your mind: "What will be the role of human being in the future"? A human being relies on machines or robots which had once been invented by him. Finally...
If nothing else, the demoralized are fortuitous mutants. The consummate invention of our species’ mutants, the future longs for peace and freedom from suffering toward which demoralization points the way; that is, it seeks wholeheartedly an eliminative attitude against all manifestations throughout ...