There is a complex relationship between technology use, parental mental health and other family factors that together influence infant development. To improve infant development outcomes, less focus should be on infant or maternal technology use, and more on supporting the family as a whole, and par...
All three of the Opera House performances sold out and the Perth shows were at capacity, including an 8000-person event for the City of Joondalup at the Joondalup Resort. 2013 Amanda Harrison – Up Close and Reasonably Personal debuted in The Basement, The Arts Centre Gold Coast, on 20 ...
In our accelerated failure time model, we found that the impact of family event-induced affect was in the hypothesized direction – positive events have a positive influence and negative events have a negative influence on new venture survival. Interestingly, the strength of the relationship between ...
We examined the construct of financial wellness and its relationship to personal wellbeing, with a focus on the role of financial literacy. Gender comparisons are made using a structural equation modeling analysis including personal wellbeing, financial satisfaction, financial status, financial behavior,...