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To annotate these genes and understand the evolutionary relationship between them, we inferred the phylogenetic relationships between all MHC class I genes identified in the selected vertebrates using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method on the JTT + IGF model. Four MCMCs were run (see ...
Participants were asked to provide gender and age information for both themselves and the child they identify as using CPV (the target child). Participants were also asked to provide their marital status and relationship with the target child, as well as postcode, any mental health diagnoses for ...
Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia 3 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Science and Education, Harokopio University, 17671 Athens, Greece 4 Department of Endocrinology, Medical University Sofia, 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria ...