Lyrics are poetry, so I know that I can remember verse – at least if I’m singing it. Psalms (a book in the Bible) is also poetry. I know many people who have memorized Bible verses. (Probably also a comfort in times of stress.) There must be a list of “great poems to know...
Where the ease comes is knowing that in order for them to grow into the beautiful person God called them to be, we HAVE TO let go. We cannot hinder their maturation because of our selfish (let’s face it ) desires to hold on to the beauty of this amazing stage and not let them ad...
If I had only known the last time would be the last timeI would’ve put off all the things I had to doI would’ve stayed a little longer, held on a little tighterNow what I’d give for one more day with you… (source: lyrics from casting crowns) what would I trade for a heal...
I was driving in my car, and listening to various songs on Pandora,when I heard the old hymn “Blessed Assurance”. As I listened to the lyrics of that song, I realized that my doctor had never given me any “assurance” regarding my treatments.He said “probably I would live X long...
I walked over to her table and sat down. “What’s up?” “Did you know that before, if we were at a school with all black people or a school with all white people, I couldn’t sit with you?” Continue reading → Posted in God, Goodness, holiday Tagged bible verse, black his...
You gotta look right through the haze.Easy-Bake Oven was just a phase.My whole family thinks I'm queer.That is all I ever hear.But I've been as straight as a ramp,If you don't count Bible camp.Bible camp.I'm not gay I swear.参考资料:<a href="http://www.6lyrics...
Some churchmen contend that the Church herself can overrule the testimony from the Bible; however, the Pope and Magisterium may interpret Scripture and Tradition but do not have the authority to revoke or reverse revealed doctrines. Some authorities claim that the harsh stand against homosexuality ...
I’m immensely grateful for the Holy Bible. But have you ever wondered why there are so many different interpretations of it? And so many different churches, based on all these different interpretations? While in many ways the Bible is very clear in laying out the gospel and ministry of Jes...
We have a national & worldwide crisis on our hands. I believe we can all agree on that. How to handle the crisis has divided everyone and I think we can agree on that as well. My heart is burdened for so many reasons… for the lives lost, for the crippling fear, for the isolation...
by the name of Nebuchadnezzar. This particular account of him is in the book of Daniel in the Bible. You may be familiar with some things about Daniel. Maybe you’ll remember reading about the Lions’ Den or the Fiery Furnace. If you have ever used the expression “The handwriting on.....