I ordered a squatty potty and then I made an Excel spreadsheet to chart my water and the exercises: five sets of Kegels, fifteen stretches, five core exercises, and two inversions (Lying on the bed with two pillows under my hips and three pillows under my feet). Second Visit: “How is...
I’ve had abad experiencewith Lima Beans growing up. My parents were determined to get me to eat what was on the table, saying, “Mel, this isn’t a cafeteria. You’ll eat the Lima Beans on your plate NOW, or have them in the morning cold, for breakfast. Your choice.” Their st...
aThere is a big table with a lot of things on it. 有一张大桌以很多事对此。[translate] aReview the history of Western music, we will see the emergence and development of Western music and Christianity are inextricably linked. It can be said that no church music of the middle ages, ther...
Worse than this, the bigger and more ‘successful’ these hermeneutics became, the more invisible they were, the more unasailable, the more they were given the authority of ‘truth’. The more they were seen as coming directly from God himself, as if on a velvet cushion from the sky. (...
- Table blessings - Scripture in song music tracks Accompanying the "Scripture in song" musical tracks are transcribed lyrics. Unlike other Bible apps that require you to download and/or purchase various modules in order to access extra-Biblical resources, inWord Bible provides all of this built...
1. “Until the Full Number of the Gentiles Has Come In” 2. Eating At the Table of the Lord VIDEOS 7. Redeeming the Time 6. What Does the Word “HELL” Really Mean? 5. STUDY IN THE SCRIPTURES: The Six Volumes by Br. Charles T.Russell 4. WILLINGLY & CHEERFULLY DOING GOD’S WIL...
I was saved on July 30, 2009. I was 35 years old and had lived all my life searching and running and running and searching. I said the sinners prayer around a dinner table that amazing day in 2009, and my life was changed forever in that instant. ...
the Jews, psalm 23 is used as a focus for the third meal in the Shabbat, (the Sabbath rest) and on other religious occassions such as in the Yizkor (prayers of rememberance). The Christian church has two or three popular melodies that set the psalm to music. The most popular is set...
So, let’s review—we have a popular pop singer who dresses exceptionally immodest, sings vulgar lyrics, had a coffee table book titled Sex, enjoys being lewd and raunchy on stage, but supposedly was asked by God if she wanted to come up with Him to heaven? And no one is raising an...
the age of the earth but the truth of Jesus Christ and His redeeming death on the cross. God could take as long or as short of a time to create the universe. There is a good reason there are not a lot of dates in the Bible. Dates are not important, God’s plan for us is ...