InMontana, the legislature passed a law in April that changes the order of priority according to which damages and penalties not paid toqui tamrelators are to be disbursed to affected government entities.[66]The statute previously provided that the affected government entity’s general fund would ...
Damages & Penalties Elements of an Allegation Expectations False Claims Act Lawyer Filing a Case Filing a Case Financial Fraud Financial Rewards First to File Government Agencies Involved in Whistleblower Investigations Government Contractor Whistleblower Lawyer Government Intervention Health...
2023 proved that there is never a dull moment when it comes to the False Claims Act (FCA). It was an especially significant year in terms of enforcement developments. The Department of Justice (DOJ) recovered approximately $2.7 billion through FCA settlements and judgments, making FY 2023 the...
(2) Relief.–Relief under paragraph (1) shall include reinstatement with the same seniority status that employee, contractor, or agent would have had but for the discrimination, 2 times the amount of back pay, interest on the back pay, and compensation for any special damages sustained as a ...
In April, Governor Nathan Deal signed into law the Georgia Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act, H.B. 822, which vastly alters the landscape for those who conduct business with Georgia's state and local governments. The Act grants sweeping governmental authority to recover dam...
The False Claims Act has vigorous enforcement provisions. The Act provides for treble damages and civil penalties of $5500 to $11,000 for each false claim. False Claims Actqui tamrelators who successfully bring suit are rewarded with a "bounty" of 15 to 30 percent of the Government's recov...
The FCA represents an existential threat to targeted entities in many industries, including health care, government contracting, cybersecurity, consulting, and education. The government uses the FCA to extract extraordinary sums in trebled damages and civil penalties and imposes other devastating non-mon...
A complete overview of the Federal false claims act (FCA) - the secret weapon of of the Govt. used to combat fraud and incentivize whistleblowers. See the important parts of this litigation tool explained simply.
This chapter offers an introduction to the complexities of the False Claims Act (FCA) litigation in the health care sector, explaining the formula that the FCA uses to calculate damages. The chapter discusses the difference between what the government paid the defendant and what the government ...
s Inspector General can pursue administrative FCA actions for claims aggregating up to single damages of $1,000,000, which are also subject to doubling under the statute (rather than treble damages as under the federal FCA). In addition, agencies can levy civil monetary penalties, subject to ...