(b) Claims under state law.–The district courts shall have jurisdiction over any action brought under the laws of any State for the recovery of funds paid by a State or local government if the action arises from the same transaction or occurrence as an action brought under section 3730. (...
81 Fed. Reg. 42,491 (June 30, 2016)—that will nearly double civil penalties for False Claims Act ("FCA") violations. The rule implements the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 ("Budget Act"), a statute that requires federal agencies that impose civil...
Hospitals Urging SCOTUS to Limit False Claims Act PenaltiesTorrey K. Young
Representeda defense contractoralleging violations of the False Claims Act, breach of contract and fraud based on a conduct in Iraq. Successfully secured a voluntary dismissal with prejudice from thequi tamrelator in an action where the government declined to intervene. ...
A complete overview of the Federal false claims act (FCA) - the secret weapon of of the Govt. used to combat fraud and incentivize whistleblowers. See the important parts of this litigation tool explained simply.
constitutes a violation, the penalties for submitting a false claim are staggering. Civil penalties range from $5,500 to $11,000 foreachfalse claim (which, in any given case, can run into the thousands of claims), treble damages, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees. T...
Health care providers have always been worried about liability under the False Claims Act (FCA). The FCA is a civil liability statute imposing stiff penalties for knowingly submitting false bills to federal government payors, including bills for health care services submit...
The False Claims Act enables a private citizen with unique knowledge of fraud committed against the federal government (such as health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud) to file a lawsuit under seal (not accessible to the public) seeking treble (triple the amount) damages on behalf ...
There is also a criminal FCA, which can levy punitive measures such as imprisonment upon individuals, in addition to civil penalties. Unique to the FCA’s structure is the right of private citizens – often referred to as “relators” or “whistleblowers” – to pursue FCA claims on beha...
The IRS requires this form to be signed by the Whistleblower under the pains and penalties of perjury. The IRS is responsible to pursue the claim and should they collect funds the whistleblower would be entitled to an award. Since the Federal False Claims Act specifically excludes cases filed...