(4) Whether or not the Government proceeds with the action, upon a showing by the Government that certain actions of discovery by the person initiating the action would interfere with the Government’s investigation or prosecution of a riminal or civil matter arising out of the same facts, the...
The False Claims Act is widely considered the nation's preeminent civil litigation weapon against fraud by federal contractors. Under the Act's newest theory of liability known as implied certification, a contractor is liable for civil penalties and treble damages if it knowingly presents a claim ...
USA, Inc., Civil Action No. 20-11548-NMG (D. Mass.). InTeva, the government alleged that Teva caused the submission of false claims to Medicare through kickbacks it paid in the form of co-pay subsidies in connection with the sale of its multiple sclerosis drug, Copaxone. Both Teva ...
(2) Reduced damages.–If the court finds that– (A) the person committing the violation of this subsection furnished officials of the United States responsible for investigating false claims violations with all information known to such person about the violation within 30 days after the date on ...
To illustrate the increased penalties, consider a hospital that allegedly submits 10 false claims per day over a three-year period (a total of 10,950 false claims). Under the old rule, the hospital's maximum potential civil penalties would have been $120,450,000...
Federal district court holds that application of the False Claims Act鈥檚 civil penalty provision would violate the Eighth Amendment鈥檚 prohibition of excessive fines and declines to impose penalties where there is no evidence of economic harm to the government...
$3 million in damages were trebled to $9 million. Furthermore, the jury found that the nursing home submitted 1,729 false claims and, with a civil penalty of $11,000 per claim, the total civil penalties amounted to approximately $19 million, on top of the $9 million in trebl...
Represented theOrange County Health Care Agencyin a DOJ civil False Claims Act investigation and settlement of Medicare and medical billing issues. Representedadefense contractorin an action alleging violations of the False Claims Act, breach of contract and fraud based on conduct in Iraq. Successfully...
1) FederalFalseClaimsAct Oneoftheprimarypurposesoffalseclaimslawsistocombatfraudandabuseingovernmenthealthcareprograms.Underfalseclaimslaws,thegovernmentcanbringcivilactionstorecovermonetarydamagesandpenaltieswhenhealthcareproviderssubmitfalseclaimsforpaymentoffundsbythefederalgovernment.Theselawsoftenpermitquitamsuitsaswell...
Under the False Claims Act those who knowingly submit, or cause another person or entity to submit, false claims for payment of government funds are liable for three times the government’s damages plus civil penalties of $5,500 to $11,000 per false claim. The False Claims Act explicitly...