Where a child is conceived as a result of rape or statutory rape, then the victim of that sexual assault should not be required to provide financial support to the abuser. Assets acquired prior to marriage should be protected from claim in the event of divorce, as should assets acquired by...
The Federal False Claims Act (“FCA”) imposes civil penalties on people and companies who “knowingly” (as that term is defined in the FCA) submit a false claim or statement to a federally funded program, or otherwise conspire to defraud the government. Falsely invoicing costs may result in...
In one scenario, for which the IRS has already sent several warnings, a scammer will use your Social Security number to file a tax return in your name and then claim the refund. The biggest red flag in this scam is being pressured to act quickly. In actuality, the IRS will give you ...
Lomborg’s facility in using simple language to explain economic concepts is put to work once again in this new book “False Alarm,” which is devoted to the topic of climate change. His first chapter, entitled “Why do we get climate change so wrong?” warns the reader to anticipate a ...
The diseased networks’ hubs are more distributed over the modules, and it is consistent with the claim that the diseased networks are more randomized and integrated. Furthermore, the diseased groups have significantly more hubs located in anterior regions as compared to the CN group. In more ...