Where a child is conceived as a result of rape or statutory rape, then the victim of that sexual assault should not be required to provide financial support to the abuser. Assets acquired prior to marriage should be protected from claim in the event of divorce, as should assets acquired by...
The False Claims Act. The False Claims Act prohibits the submission of any claim upon or against the Government which is known to be false. Employees shall ensure that all time charges, expense accoun...
which contains the overlay product's code, the site will become accessible. The follow-on claim, as shown below, is that there is nothing else that will need to be changed on the customer's site.
When content publishers claim that everything is protected by copyright, people respond by acting as though nothing is. Misleading, threatening, and villainizing your customers is a lousy way to get them to respect your rights, but that’s precisely what’s happening now. And clearly, it’s ...
using graphs to condense large quantities of data into clear presentations. His fifth chapter asks “What is global warming going to cost us?” Rather than enumerate big numbers with lots of zeroes, Lomborg displays the expected costs as a percentage of global GDP (Gross Domestic Product), whic...
In our opinion, the results in this study, and specifically the TTX-like mass observed, may indicate a need to revisit earlier claims of bacterial TTX production. This claim is further strengthened by observations from the extensive work by Salvitti et al. [36] where 102 bacterial strains ...
The diseased networks’ hubs are more distributed over the modules, and it is consistent with the claim that the diseased networks are more randomized and integrated. Furthermore, the diseased groups have significantly more hubs located in anterior regions as compared to the CN group. In more ...