Welcome to the Courier's Guide to the Mojave Wasteland, a comprehensive guide to the real world equivalents of each Fallout: New Vegas in- game location and on-location character cosplay collection. My name is Kate and I am glad you are here! This projec
With a few days in the Mojave to kill, I did a tour of the real-life locations that appear in Obsidian's brilliant "Fallout: New Vegas". Here are the pics and vids, side-by-side with game views. Can I ask a favour?I've rebranded my little marketing business,Chris does Content,an...
New Vegas is a post-War city established in the ruins of the pre-War city of Las Vegas, Nevada in the Mojave Wasteland,[1][2] with the most prominent fixture being the New Vegas Strip controlled by the enigmatic Mr. House and his Three Families who gover
Spring Mt. Ranch State Park is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. Situated between the tribal village and Red Rock Canyon,[1] the location is populated by giant mantises and a few cazadores running rampant around the lake. It is al
Vault 19 appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. Behind the scenesThe in-game Vault 19 is located in the same geographical area as the real-world 41-E Blue Diamond Mine, which contained a municipal fallout shelter in real life.[10] Sydney Wolfram was responsible for the concept and ...
The I-15 or Interstate 15 (and on some occasions called the Long 15) is a freeway in the Mojave Wasteland. It used to serve vacationers and commuters alike before the Great War, running alongside Highway 95, connecting Los Angeles and Las Vegas.[1] By 22
尤利西斯 是一名信使,以前是凯撒军团密探。2281年, 他是维克托雇佣[3],向赌城运送包裹的6名邮差之一。不过他本人却神秘失踪了,运送白金筹码的任务,也落到了主角信使的身上。 他是孤独之路的主要反派. 尤利西斯曾是卷发部落的一员。卷发部落是亚利桑那一只强大的部族,部
This location appeared on an early map of Fallout: New Vegas, where it was north-northeast of Bitter Springs[1] but was ultimately not included in the final game. Behind the scenes The fictional Valley of Fire is based on the real-world location of the same name in Clark County, Nevada...
Hoover Dam, also called the Old World Wall,[3] is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. A pre-War hydroelectric dam that weathered the nuclear apocalypse largely intact, its capacity to supply massive amounts of power to the wasteland
The Long 15 is a location in the Mojave Wasteland added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. In pre-War days, U.S. Interstate 15 ran through the state of California as well as parts of Nevada. In the post-War wasteland, following the creatio