The One is an unmarked location and world object in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. Situated slightly west-northwest of the Devil's Throat, the bomb has a display that reads "9999." Standing in proximity to the bomb will result in damage betw
Welcome to the Courier's Guide to the Mojave Wasteland, a comprehensive guide to the real world equivalents of each Fallout: New Vegas in- game location and on-location character cosplay collection. My name is Kate and I am glad you are here! This projec
The abandoned warehouse is an unmarked location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. Situated directly east of the Allied Technologies offices, the location consists of a single room, with half an open space with several file cabinets and desks
Brimstone is an unmarked location within Gomorrah in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. The in-house bar and nightclub of Gomorrah, Brimstone mainly consists of hookers dancing on stands, with a bar in the middle and several gamblers. An elevato
Based onFalloutseason 1's ending, the sophomore outing is headed to the franchise's iconic New Vegas location. First seen in the fan-favoriteFallout: New Vegasgame, the post-apocalyptic version of The Strip is full of unhinged, power-hungry, and terrifying personalities. While the show's fir...
A small mod that starts a timer after entering Bison Steve's. and if enough time passes, Lucky will be taken from its Hard locked safe and utilized by a 'Lucky Convict' with a love of ambushing travel
↑Fallout: New Vegas Official Game GuideCollectors Edition pp. 292-294: Vault 22 was a "green" vault, filled with scientists dedicated to their experiment: keeping the entire population of the vault alive with plants grown with its confines. The experiment could be said to have exceeded all ...
A new Fallout 4 mod delivers an entirely original location and a fresh, frightening quest to the Bethesda classic, as we wait on Fallout 5.Issy van der Velde Published: 4 months ago Fallout 4 I have a strange relationship with Fallout 4. I preordered it way back when it launched in ...
Fallout: New Vegas: Regia di Josh Sawyer. Con Matthew Perry, Wayne Newton, Kris Kristofferson, Ron Perlman. After surviving a bullet to the head, Courier Six traverses the post-apocalyptic Mojave desert in search of the men who wronged him, while making