As per their agreement, the NCR handed over all suits of salvaged power armor and in return the Brotherhood helped patrol I-15 and Highway 95."(Fallout: New vegas ending slides) ↑ The Courier: "Why do you need a map of Grand Staircase?"Daniel: "Grand Staircase is farther east, ...
(ending slides) Riots broke across New Vegas outside of the Strip. If the Courier escalated tensions between the NCR and the Kings into all-out war during G.I. Blues, the damage in Freeside was worsened by the latter staging targeted attacks on both NCR soldiers and civilians in the area...
Note: Fallout: New Vegas establishes this ending as canon. ↑ The Courier: "Tell me more about the tribal."Marcus: "We were looking for a GECK to save the village of Arroyo. Eventually, we did. Nuked an oil rig in the process. We went separate ways after that. I went east into ...
Knight Christine Royce[2] is an ex-Brotherhood scribe and an operative of the Circle of Steel, and one of the three companions in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. She also makes a brief appearance in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues, in the form of voice ...
they even get their own ending slides. Once the purifier has been started, that’s it, the final cut scene & the epilogue. The End …bleh… (ok, ok, I cried when I played an evil character and made Sarah go in) Unless you have Broken Steel, then after the epilogue you “wake up...
View more...Tag this mod About this mod Provides more Legion content by adding or expanding several Legion quests. All fully voiced using audio files from the game. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Spanish Mandarin Donations...
around other obligations. And they are fan-fucking-tastic. They really rewards player for getting to the end, and with 11 unique ending, all of which are part of 5 unique branches in the plot that are quite unique to each other, they are a great treat to see after all that re...
Henry in the ending slides ofFallout: New Vegas References Template:Navbox Jacobstown 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。 成为第一个在亨利上发表评论的人! Fan Feed 托马斯·希尔登Fallout中文維基 不,不多Fallout中文維基 阿卡德·甘农Fallout中文維基 ...
↑ Fallout: New Vegas endings NCR Rangers; slides 2, 4, 8, and 11 ↑ The NCR's expansion northwards explicitly contradicts the Independence ending for Vault City, while mentions of it invalidate the possibility of it being wiped out. As such, only two endings are possible, both of them...
Appearances Fallout: New Vegas “Change of plan - you'll find that I've sealed the doors to this hangar - I don't want my friends getting involved in our little disagreement. Once I'm done with you, I'll talk them out of this stupid plan. You've opened some old wounds - it's ...