(Fallout: New vegas ending slides) ↑ The Courier: "Why do you need a map of Grand Staircase?"Daniel: "Grand Staircase is farther east, deeper into the Colorado Plateau. The White Legs were able to reach us here, but it's only because Zion is close to the Long 15. They can't ...
The Courier was shown wearing an armored Vault 21 jumpsuit during Fallout: New Vegas previews and in the ending. However, this item does not appear in-game, and can only be obtained using console commands. One of the ending slides in Lonesome Road shows the Courier wearing the "Yes Man" ...
↑ Fallout: New Vegas endings, Novac: "During the Legion's attack on Novac, Bright Followers, returning from their long pilgrimage, assisted in its evacuation. Though Novac eventually fell to the Legion, many citizens of Novac were able to escape, alive and intact." ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 ...
↑ Fallout: New Vegas endings NCR Rangers; slides 2, 4, 8, and 11 ↑ The NCR's expansion northwards explicitly contradicts the Independence ending for Vault City, while mentions of it invalidate the possibility of it being wiped out. As such, only two endings are possible, both of them...
"City of Lost Angels" The New Vegas Strip, typically shortened to just the Strip, is a district of New Vegas in the Mojave Wasteland. Championed as a small piece of the pre-War splendor of Las Vegas in its heyday, the Strip serves as both the domain of M
(ending slides) Riots broke across New Vegas outside of the Strip. If the Courier escalated tensions between the NCR and the Kings into all-out war during G.I. Blues, the damage in Freeside was worsened by the latter staging targeted attacks on both NCR soldiers and civilians in the area...
Knight Christine Royce[2] is an ex-Brotherhood scribe and an operative of the Circle of Steel, and one of the three companions in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. She also makes a brief appearance in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues, in the form of voice ...
However, the time limits were retained and entering any of the locations except for the Brotherhood does trigger the corresponding bad ending in the end slides (eg. entering The Hub after 140 days pass triggers the destruction ending; for Followers, all that suffices is entering the Blades' ...
However, the time limits were retained and entering any of the locations except for the Brotherhood does trigger the corresponding bad ending in the end slides (eg. entering The Hub after 140 days pass triggers the destruction ending; for Followers, all that suffices is entering the Blades' ...
The following is based on Fallout: New Vegas cut content.Two unused versions of Vera Keyes exist "in the flesh." One is a placeholder used to run some scripts for the recording in the Sierra Madre executive suites and the ending slides. The other is a ghoul intended for use as a ...