I just released ver 1 of my mod :Failed FEV Subject 17 (MODDERS RESOURCE) Happy modding! This brings to the game a version of Failed FEV Subject 17, one of the Inhabitants of Vault 87 that were subjected to FEV experimentation. He can be found wandering inside Vault 11. Failed FEV sub...
Factory Protectron 000BAE92 Failed FEV Subject 0007B861 Fawkes 0003D34E Feral Ghoul 0009FAFA Feral Ghoul 000BAD1A Feral Ghoul 00072B87 Feral Ghoul 00072B59 Feral Ghoul 00052B9A Feral Ghoul 00003AD8 Feral Ghoul 0005C342 Feral Ghoul 000AE86C Feral Ghoul 0001CF7A Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B8A...
Failed FEV Subject 0007B861 Fawkes 0003D34E Feral Ghoul 0009FAFA Feral Ghoul 000BAD1A Feral Ghoul 00072B87 Feral Ghoul 00072B59 Feral Ghoul 00052B9A Feral Ghoul 00003AD8 Feral Ghoul 0005C342 Feral Ghoul 000AE86C Feral Ghoul 0001CF7A Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B8A Feral Gh...
Snallygasters are one of the many cryptids found throughout Appalachia in 2102. Experiments with recombinant strains of FEV at the West Tek research center in Appalachia produced numerous failed mutations, with two exceptions. The first of these was FEVS
FEV,全稱為Forced Evolutionary Virus,意思是強制進化病毒,是一种由西部科技的NBC部门制造的人工病毒。它能强迫基因型和表型的突变,是废土变异生物的最主要源头,在大战后被不同的组织和个人在大战前后为自己的目的所利用。 能产生常规超级变种人的版本叫做FEV-II[1][2]
Failed FEV Subject 0007B861 Fawkes 0003D34E Feral Ghoul 0009FAFA Feral Ghoul 000BAD1A Feral Ghoul 00072B87 Feral Ghoul 00072B59 Feral Ghoul 00052B9A Feral Ghoul 00003AD8 Feral Ghoul 0005C342 Feral Ghoul 000AE86C Feral Ghoul 0001CF7A Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B8A Feral Gh...
Eyebot Duraframe Subject E is both the prototype, and the last functional model in this test group. I was prepared to make several significant upgrades to the machines. However, as the project was canceled and all Duraframe assets are being diverted to Hellfire Armor, I am sending this ...
Elijah:"Dog? Hnh. Appropriate. It's what I called him.You'vemet him. You know why he forgot - his brain was ruined by FEV, his memory, wreckage. He may know the way back, somewhere, deep down. I doubt it. He tracks by smell and instinct. Still, he could be trained." ...
** 0-1 prior ordinarily, 3-4 after completion of Holy Water, if Modified FEV was used during Take it Back!Notable lootStrength bobblehead - Inside Lucas Simms' house, on a desk in the bedroom to the left on the second floor. Grognak the Barbarian - In Jericho's house, on the floor...
"2077 FebruaryFEV Research is leaked to the world through an unknown source. Protests in many major cities and governments around the world, as well as accusations that the US was responsible for the New Plague. FEV is seen as the threat it is, and serves only to fuel tensions." ...