Provided you go in yourself and still have the modified FEV, you can also choose whether you want to inject the virus prior to activation. With Broken Steel: You have basically the same choices as above with the alteration that if you go in, you do not turn into goo. If you have a ...
Modified FEV 0 1 0 Take it Back! - 0003BD33 Nuka-Cola Clear formula 150 1 150 The Nuka-Cola Challenge - 000CADE6 Observer 0 1 0 The Wasteland Survival Guide - 00030663 Plik's journal 1 1 1 - - xx{{#pad:01116d|6|0|left}} Pre-War book (green) 1 1 1 Yearning for Le...
FEV,全稱為Forced Evolutionary Virus,意思是強制進化病毒,是一种由西部科技的NBC部门制造的人工病毒。它能强迫基因型和表型的突变,是废土变异生物的最主要源头,在大战后被不同的组织和个人在大战前后为自己的目的所利用。 能产生常规超级变种人的版本叫做FEV-II[1][2]
All Scribes assigned to the Lab should check with Scribe Rothchild on a daily basis, and obtain any modified technical parameters as needed. Warning!: Leaky HydraulicsIt is come to our attention that several Scribes have slipped on hydraulic fluid near the eastern end of the robot lift. Until...
联邦(The Commonwealth)废土阵营巨多,基本上每个聚居地(Settlement)就属于一个派别,如义勇军(Minutemen)、钢铁兄弟会(Brotherhood of Steel)、学院(The Institute)、铁路(The Railroad)、钻石城(Diamond City)、芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)、邦克山(Bunker Hill)、81号避难所(Vault 81)、圣约村(Covenant)、原子猫(Atomcat)...
The Synth Retention Bureau is tasked with the retrieval of "escaped" Gen 3 synths - malfunctioning units whose self-aware AI has convinced them that they are, in fact, alive. The Institute's experiments with the Forced Evolutionary Virus, or FEV, ended when Doctor Virgil went rogue and fled...
↑Chris Avellone,Fallout Bible 1-"The radscorpions are a result of a combination of radiation and the FEV virus, and Razlo in Shady Sands is correct - they were originally Emperor Scorpions that have grown... big." ↑Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; Herbert Dashwood's terminal, Pests ...
Colonel Autumn’s Laser pistol is a modified, fully automatic version of the standard laser pistol with a rate of fire comparable to the Gatling laser. It has a 30 round magazine, uses very few action points, and is repaired with the common laser pistol. The weapon does 75 damage, while...
The Lone Wanderer didn't act upon Eden's wishes to sabotage the purifier with the modified FEV.[1] AftermathBoth Sarah Lyons and the Lone Wanderer were knocked into comas and taken to the Citadel for treatment. Meanwhile, Scribe Bigsley set up the delivery center at the Jefferson Memorial,...
另见: 钢铁兄弟会(辐射3)“在大战之前,科学技术与其说是一种好处,不如说是一种负担。原子弹、生物工程瘟疫和FEV都是科技进步造成的恐怖的明显例子。我们是来确保这种事不会再发生的。”— 丹斯圣骑士, 228720世纪80年代,在亚瑟·麦克森长老的领导下,进行了重大改革。就像22世纪的兄弟会一样,东部分部重新致力于...