原古森林,图为radstorm,是离开76号避难所后的起始区域 每个服务器都有自己的天气和时间,偶尔有verdant season,以获得更好的收成。辐尸兽倾向于在裂隙地点周围飞行,并会追逐它们看到的任何人。随机遭遇事件回归,辐射76是该系列中随机遭遇事件最多的,让玩家偶尔会遇到一些奇怪的事件,比如一群人体模型面对面,一个害怕...
原古森林,图为radstorm,是离开76号避难所后的起始区域 每个服务器都有自己的天气和时间,偶尔有verdant season,以获得更好的收成。辐尸兽倾向于在裂隙地点周围飞行,并会追逐它们看到的任何人。随机遭遇事件回归,辐射76是该系列中随机遭遇事件最多的,让玩家偶尔会遇到一些奇怪的事件,比如一群人体模型面对面,一个害怕...
Map of The Forest Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fiss
Help them with their guns (45 skill level required), and wait for them to start walking back to their tent. Talk to Razz, and ask about squadmates. The speech challenge should still be there. You can easily get the “Outstanding Orator” achievement, as well as experience points in ...
A large number of people in the Fallout 76 community consider Worlds a waste of developer time. Originally, I did too. What’s the point? Why spend developer time on a feature that has no progression? All of the time you spend in Worlds doing whatever is isolated to Worlds alone, even...
This mod lets your craft and carry around as much of a portable camp kit as you'd like. I carry around just the sleeping bag. Tent, lantern, cooking fire station...you can go wild really and set up the whole 9 yards. Survival players be advised this has some weight. It isn't lig...
Alyssa, a member of Foundation, notices the large Vault 63 door has been blasted off and has landed near Sutton. Investigating the Vault, the Vault Dweller meets Hilda Stolz on an intercom who reveals the Vault's true location is under Dark Hollow Manor. There, the Vault Dweller meets ...
Fallout 76 location 格拉夫顿 外观 地图 地图标记 Grafton 概述 信息 技术 属于 百毒谷 势力 应变同盟(从前) 建筑物 格拉夫顿站 格拉夫顿当铺 任务 任务 旅游局 监管人的任务 格拉夫顿日 抗议游行 西元2102年时格拉夫顿是位于阿帕拉契剧毒谷地区的小镇。
当前 Sofie's House Willie Mae's house Funeral Home (Responder Meeting Hall) References ↑Fallout 76 loading screens ↑Survivor story: Rev. Delbert Winters ↑Flatwoods terminal entries ↑Survivor story: Rev. Delbert Winters 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。