Fallout 1st 是可增強 Fallout 76 體驗的進階版會員資格。會員可存取 Private World、專屬公用程式和化妝道具、每月獲得 1650 枚 Atom 以及其他獎勵。立即成為會員開始拓荒! 您可以透過 Microsoft 帳戶登入 https://account.microsoft.com/services,在線上管理您的訂閱
Fallout 1st 是可增強 Fallout 76 體驗的進階版會員資格。會員可存取 Private World、專屬公用程式和化妝道具、每月獲得 1650 枚 Atom 以及其他獎勵。立即成為會員開始拓荒! 您可以透過 Microsoft 帳戶登入 https://account.microsoft.com/services,在線上管理您的訂閱
Fallout 1st 是可增強 Fallout 76 體驗的高級會員資格。會員可存取「Private World」、專屬工具和化妝道具、每月獲得 1650 枚 Atom 以及其他獎勵。立即成為會員開始拓荒! 您可以透過 Microsoft 帳戶登入 https://account.microsoft.com/services,在線上管理您的訂閱。
辐射76(英文名:Fallout 76)是一款由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发,贝塞斯达软件公司发行的后世界末日多人在线角色扮演游戏。这是辐射系列的最新一部(第九部),于2018年11月14日在Windows、PlayStation 4和Xbox One上发布。 在游戏发布之前,游戏总监陶德·霍华德解释说,辐射7
Fallout 76 will be supported long-term, and there is a roadmap for its next several years.[Non-game 1] Unlike other MMOs, no monthly subscription is required to play as the game is supported by optional Atomic Shop purchases and Fallout 1st. The game's former designer Mark Tucker said ...
تعد Fallout 1st عضوية مميزة من شأنها تعزيز تجربة Fallout 76. يمكن للأعضاء التمتع بالتاليbr
تعد Fallout 1st عضوية مميزة من شأنها تعزيز تجربة Fallout 76. يمكن للأعضاء التمتع بالتاليbr
Fallout 1st 是可增強 Fallout 76 體驗的進階版會員資格。會員可存取 Private World、專屬公用程式和化妝道具、每月獲得 1650 枚 Atom 以及其他獎勵。立即成為會員開始拓荒! 您可以透過 Microsoft 帳戶登入 https://account.microsoft.com/services,在線上管理您的訂閱
Fallout 76 has launched a new premium subscription service called Fallout 1st, Bethesda has announced. The membership service is available to purchase now and includes access to private servers--which Bethesda calls "private worlds"--for you and your friends, exclusive items, and other bonuses. ...
Fallout 76 has nuked what little goodwill it still possessed. Not only has its paid server push been poorly received, the servers themselves may not be launching fresh instances and are in abysmal shape.