Fallout 4地点 4 银衣怪客(任务) 5 During the ceremony for Vault 76, before the war As depicted inOverdue Reunions As depicted inPhoto OpportunityandOverseer, Overseen Diploma in her childhood home References ↑1.01.1Overseer's journal, entry 1 ...
The terminals which administer knowledge exams are in section A, in the building south of Scout Leader Jaggy. Notable lootNotes and holotapesPIONEERBOOK: Foreward - Note, upstairs in the mess hall building. PIONEERBOOK: Fundraisers - Note, in a building a little northeast from the watchtower ...
The Vault 76 overseer, known in-game as simply the overseer, is one of the main characters of Fallout 76. She is the former leader and overseer of Vault 76. In 2102, she left the Vault prior to Reclamation Day on a mission from Vault-Tec, leaving her vau
Main hall Breathers Master terminal Out of time 展开 v·d·e Fallout 76重要地点 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。 成为第一个在查爾斯頓消防局上发表评论的人! Fan Feed 首页Fallout中文維基 麥蒂森·黎Fallout中文維基 辐射:避难所OnlineFallout中文維基...