Breathers Master terminal Out of time 展开 v·d·e Fallout 76重要地点 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。 成为第一个在查爾斯頓消防局上发表评论的人! Fan Feed 首页Fallout中文維基 麥蒂森·黎Fallout中文維基 辐射:避难所OnlineFallout中文維基...
The terminals which administer knowledge exams are in section A, in the building south of Scout Leader Jaggy. Notable lootNotes and holotapesPIONEERBOOK: Foreward - Note, upstairs in the mess hall building. PIONEERBOOK: Fundraisers - Note, in a building a little northeast from the watchtower ...