首先,在东边一个下沉浅水中房子的顶层上,木板桌上有原子教徒(Child of Atom)留下的4张纸条笔记(Paper Note)《一个陌生人抵达(A Stranger Arrives)》、《充满仇恨的生物(A Vengeful Creature)》、《子民们困在(The Children Trapped)》、《更加安全的道路(A Safer Way)》。木板桌下面还有3个隐形小子(Stealth Bo...
During the quest In Sheep's Clothing, Geneva may become hostile when the player attempts to fight Mayor McDonough. A workaround for this is to let Piper kill her.[已验证] McDonoughholding Geneva hostage ↑Cathy:" If anyone is... one of those things, it's that secretary of his. Her an...
In total, there are nine main Fallout games - eight on home console and one on mobile devices. There are also thirteen major expansions spread across Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4. The Fallout franchise is a core Bethesda game that will likely continue to receive support. Whic...
Sanctuary is a side quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. 在自由钟声响起期间返回庇护山丘时,普雷斯敦·加维将建议独自幸存者与司特吉谈论改善定居点。司特吉将委托幸存者制作五张床。可以使用工作坊在庇护山丘的任何地方制作床。…
Today we have an exciting new update for our story-driven new world modification for Fallout 4:A Tale of Jo, Liz, and a Better World.Today, we're sharing a gameplay demo, featuring a quest about a third of the way into our story. We're all very excited to pull back the curtain on...
References ↑Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guidep. 329:"A nursing home for the elderly, the residents of Sandy Coves have been experiencing the very best in automated care now for over 200 years. The front desk terminal (Novice) near the book return terminal has locations of residents’...
Break in through the door (Advanced) to the home of the oldest family in Diamond City. The Codmans own the orchard."(Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map) ↑ Nate Purkeypile on Twitter: "Various settlements I have made on the Fallout series over time. / Also, to clarify, I...
I like the overall arc of the Sole Survivor in Fallout 4 and his quest to find/avenge his family, I admit that it would be boring/too familiar of a revenge quest without the inclusion of the other factions but having played through the campaign twice, I was still caught up in it. I...
Here are walkthroughs to Quest 1: Far from Home, Walk in the Park, Quest 2, and Quest 3: Acadia, DiMA and Where you Belong with more to come!Nuka WorldFallout 4 Nuka World released August 29. This DLC allows players to conquer settlements by leading raiders. Its central location is ...
I like the overall arc of the Sole Survivor in Fallout 4 and his quest to find/avenge his family, I admit that it would be boring/too familiar of a revenge quest without the inclusion of the other factions but having played through the campaign twice, I was still caught up in it. I...