4号避难所(英文名:Vault 4)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于加州洛杉矶的霍桑医学实验室校园下方在辐射电视剧 。 在大戰之前,4号避难所出现在广告和介绍避难所的视频中,库柏·霍华德担任代言人。避难所的实验在这些广告中被公开了: 它将由在那里全职生活和工作的科学家统
Fallout 4 fails to start after the launcher for me with Proton 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 beta due to missing nvapi64: (Debian 9.5 stable, GTX 1080, driver 384.130) 167480.850:0030:0031:trace:module:load_dll looking for L"C:\windows\system32\nvapi64.dll" in L"Z:\home\gaming\.steam\steam\stea...
Obtained through the quest Way Back Home. 400 Stefan "asXas" Engdahl, Kris Takahashi Tesla Cannon Designed by the U.S. government as a lightweight, anti-tank energy weapon, the Tesla cannon delivers a massive jolt to any unfortunate soul who stands in its path. Includes custom modificatio...
Friends Along the Way During your journey in Fallout 4, you'll meet all kinds of characters. Some of them will be touched by your story and want to join you; you'll find robots, ghouls, and normal people will all be willing to lend you a hand!
FromTheShire: Kaalia of the Vast at home. It’s a decent amount of work but the effect is powerful. Credit: Wizards of the Coast Rose, Cutthroat Raider Marcy: Potentially getting you 3 Junk tokens off of a single combat, Rose’s other ability is actually even more valuable: it turns ...
"Second Chance" 瑞普康總部是位於內華達州的專業火箭製造商瑞普康航天的公司總部 REPCONN Headquarters is the home office of REPCONN Aerospace. It lies in the prewar town of "Henderson". 在這裡撬鎖和黑掉計算機會大有用處。這樣做的目的就是黑掉保安系統,然後保安
- Bob Crosby & The Bobcats - Way Back Home 喜欢听"Fallout 3 GNR Soundtrack"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Fallout New Vegas: Original Game ... 9.6 Fallout 2 8.3 Fallout 4 (Original Game Soundtra... 9.0 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 9.3 Songs From The Mojave Wastelan... 9.5 The...
Here are walkthroughs to Quest 1: Far from Home, Walk in the Park, Quest 2, and Quest 3: Acadia, DiMA and Where you Belong with more to come!Nuka WorldFallout 4 Nuka World released August 29. This DLC allows players to conquer settlements by leading raiders. Its central location is ...
Spectacle Island is a location and potential settlement in the Commonwealth in 2287. Spectacle Island is an island on the coast southeast of Boston, near Warwick homestead. It was once home to an eccentric millionaire with dreams of his own private islan
Break in through the door (Advanced) to the home of the oldest family in Diamond City. The Codmans own the orchard."(Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map) ↑ Nate Purkeypile on Twitter: "Various settlements I have made on the Fallout series over time. / Also, to clarify, I...