More Uniques - Unique Weapons Expansion - 更多獨特裝備 West Tek Tactical Optics - Night Vision Thermal Vision Goggles and More - 夜視儀 Combat Rifle Att...
(2)The Stealth Pack . A Unique Weapons Concept:土匪强盗武器包 有可选的避免Munitions - Ammo Expansion Project版本的ESP。该说不说这个武器包真是有够废土的。 The Assault Pack. A Unique Weapons Concept:三种土里土气武器 这一看就是从什么废料里搓出来的垃圾东西。 Handmade Energy Pistol:土制激光手枪 ...
2. The Stealth Pack . A Unique Weapons Concept:铁铁又管管的武器包 有可选的避免Munitions - Ammo Expansion Project版本的ESP。该说不说这个武器包真是有够废土的。入选【义勇青年队】的土制武器。 4.AnotherOne Sten Mk II Redux:斯登冲锋枪(重做) 这种廉价且简单的铁管冲锋枪才是符合废土生产工艺的武器。
The Broadsider is a unique weapon in Fallout 4. An unusual heavy weapon mixing 18th-century ordnance with 23rd-century technology. The main body consists of a small old-fashioned naval cannon strapped to a makeshift rig with metal rivets and thick ropes.
分类: 图像尺寸大小带有额外px字符的页面、Fallout 4 weapons 大陆简体 中文 Fallout 4 weapons 登录以编辑 关于a list of unique weapon locations in Fallout 4,参见Fallout 4 unique weapons。关于a list of legendary effects for weapons,参见Legendary weapon effects。
no, That action not in QBZ191, all weapons can be used (except sniper guns), Sliding animation in this mod: 5TARNorth member 32 kudos 21 September 2021, 7:57PM i downloaded the main file and i cant seem to do first person slide, do ...
We used this early set to figure out how we wanted to break a gun down to the basic elements that all guns would share, in order to maximize interchangeability. This drove the structure of the crafting interface, with standardized slots for receiver, barrel, muzzle attachments, grip, and ...
It can be transferred between guns, like the sacrificial blade for the machete. When spawning the Unique guns from console, they aren’t legendary/don’t have the legendary mod – this is due to how the game generates legendaries via script. Legendaries may not spawn when they're supposed ...
They had no time to mourn, however, as they were pursued by the group that attacked their home. Raul turned his guns on them, killing many but not all. The survivors he left behind, not wanting to risk Rafaela's safety over raw revenge.[4] ...
2. Awider variety of weapons: Fallout 3 had lots of guns and improvised weapons; New Vegas had lots more. Let's add bows, crossbows, and a host of other improvised weapons to the mix. With tons of mods and crafting options, Fallout 4 should be like Dead Space 2, on Earth, in the...