The double-barrel shotgun is a small gun added to Fallout 3 with the Point Lookout add-on. 詳見霰彈槍條目 不像削短型霰彈槍,双筒霰彈枪的枪托和枪管都是完整无缺的, yet is quite rusty and still requiring a metal strap to keep the foregarm and barrels…
1.3 辐射2中的小型枪械 1.4 辐射战略版中的小型枪械 2 辐射3 2.1 辐射3中的小型枪械 2.2 Small Guns-based Perks 辐射、辐射2以及辐射战略版初始等级: 辐射: 35% + (1% x 敏捷)。标准的玩家角色初始技能等级为40%。 辐射2和辐射战略版: 5% + (4% x 敏捷)。标准的玩家角色初始技能等级为25%。Small...
↑ Brotherhood Outcast shack (Fallout 3) ↑ Rank breakdown in the faction listing in G.E.C.K. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What are the Orders?"Scribe Jameson: "The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature. Defensi...
Barter: Evergreen Mills—Jack东北一个小洞内的架子上 Big Guns: Fort Constantine—CO房间,保险柜内. Energy Weapons: Raven Rock—Level 2, Autumn上校桌上< BR>Explosives: WKML Broadcast Station—外头某个排水道内 Lockpick: Bethesda Ruins—Office East顶层中央房间桌上 Medicine: Vault 101—老爸桌上 Mel...
The base 10 mm, for instance, is a different design from the version in Fallout 3. But with the proper mods, you can transform it into something very similar.It's not all about the guns, of course. The melee selection was expanded as well, with a eye toward entertaining builds ...
2. Awider variety of weapons: Fallout 3 had lots of guns and improvised weapons; New Vegas had lots more. Let's add bows, crossbows, and a host of other improvised weapons to the mix. With tons of mods and crafting options, Fallout 4 should be like Dead Space 2, on Earth, in the...
Yes, Fallout 3 is a lot like Oblivion (with guns!), but it's a superior game in nearly every way, as it features a more engaging storyline, impeccable presentation, and hundreds of hours of addictive gameplay. While the jury is still out on whether or not hardcore Fallout enthusiasts wi...
no, That action not in QBZ191, all weapons can be used (except sniper guns), Sliding animation in this mod: 5TARNorth member 32 kudos 21 September 2021, 7:57PM i downloaded the main file and i cant seem to do first person slide, do ...
guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Fallout 3 Mods Gameplay Effects and Changes Handguns Rebalance-Buff Endorsements 17 Unique DLs
Lock and Load (3): Heavy guns reload +30% faster. Bear Arms (3): Heavy Guns weigh 90% less. Heavy Gunner (3): Non-explosive heavy weapons deal 20% more damage. Expert Heavy Gunner (3): Non-explosive heavy weapons deal 20% more damage. ...