like to run off at inopportune moments in response to some faraway threat that they've decided to deal with. In one instance, a pair did this during a forced scripted sequence—leaving me stranded and unable to move. With so many systems working to create interesting, emergent experiences, ...
I'm gonna assume any settlements that have dead npcs from the start, mainly ghouls for me, tend to be alive but stuck in "possom" mode. Meaning they stay in their dead pose, unable to be vats, cannot move, but are hostile. Not really sure why though. So far other settlements are ...
Make sure to click on an empty space to clear any IDs that are being used in the console for this to work, prid with no parameters also serves the same purpose. Note: You will still be unable to pass outside the invisible walls at the boundaries of the map. Note: While collisions ...
[CopyProtectionStrings]SCopyProtectionMessage2=Insert the Fallout Disc.SCopyProtectionTitle2=Fallout Disc Not FoundSCopyProtectionMessage=Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.SCopyProtectionTitle=CD-ROM Drive Not Found[Pipboy]fBlurRadiusPipboy=3.5fBlurIntensityPipboy=0.25fScanlineScalePip...
Strong is a super mutant residing in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. He is a possible companion of the Sole Survivor. Like every other super mutant found in the Commonwealth, Strong was created by the Institute through their experiments with a modified st
Regardless, unanswered requests for further reinforcements left the Outcasts unable to completely occupy the town.[101] As a response the Outcasts continued their operations in Fairfax, launching raids of their own against the raiders. Also realizing that they had occupied subterranean portions of ...
NOTE: Sometimes this command can result in a bug that prevents you being unable to progress in the reset quest again. ResetQuest < Quest ID > Copy Command Copy Full ShowQuestObjectives This command prints a list of all objectives for the quest with the specified ID. If you do not ...
1.To break down; collapse:The rickety chair fell apart. 2.To suffer a nervous breakdown or become unable to cope:He fell apart after years as a POW. fall away 1.To diminish gradually in size, amount, or intensity:The sound of the car fell away into the distance. ...
Sometimes after initiating this quest and fast traveling out of Nellis AFB, Jack (and Loyal) will completely disappear and one will be unable to complete the quest without the use of console commands. Try player.moveto 000ff268 to move to Jack's location, which will respawn him and Loyal....
Thank you both for your answers, but although I'm spotting the traps many times I am still unable to see them or disarm them. I remember that when using the Fixt mod I was able to disarm traps when I spotted them automatically, but now playing the original version. Are you sure we ...