Whycantyoumove? 有人偷走了我的聚变核心 Someonestolemyfusioncore. 你想说什么 Whatareyousuggesting? 我们一起走吧拿回那颗脑袋带着它去兄弟会 Wetraveltogether,gettheheadandtakeittotheBrotherhood. 作为报酬你要借我五六个骑士帮我去救我爸爸 Inexchange,youlllendmetheservicesofyourknightstosavemyfather. ...
Whycantyoumove? 因为有人偷走了我的聚变核心 Causesomeonestolemyfusioncore. 你能把我弄出来吗 Please,c-canyoupleaseletmeout? 我真的很想信任你但是... Believeme,Ireallywanttotrustyou,but... 我这一周都很惨 Ivehadaroughweek. 是啊 Yeah.
I havent opened it since then as you said, it doesn't keep me engaged(well put!). As I have done what was needed to do, to make the raiders happy and the game seems to not update it self so I can not move on from there. I'm thinking of dumping it and starting over, very ...
I don't think image space adapters can move fog away, but there must be a way to change the values mid game. leaftongue premium 74 kudos 05 November 2024, 12:40AM I have a crazy idea:1)Create a large mesh that will produces a new and improved heavy fog that switches to an ...
Amateurish move my Push Square. The game has undergone numerous updates and improvements. Why republish a 4 year old review with no updates. Pathetic, and I haven't even played Fallout 76. 8 Reply 135 RudeAnimat0r Thu 29th Dec 2022 In the instance of increasing visibility I agree with ev...
I equipped it and it is on my back now, but cant make it to hold it in front of me... LoveCters supporter 1 kudos 18 November 2024, 3:03AM Dm me Shazeye premium 0 kudos 02 November 2024, 12:16PM The mod work almost perfect but i have an issue with de glow iron sight,...
"More wasteland to wander. New Vegas is good, but the failure to move the series on makes it feel a tiny bit stale." VideoGamer 90 / 100 "Despite the numerous bugs, New Vegas is a magnificent RPG, one that stands head and shoulders above its predecessor. More importantly, it's also...
Also unless Im missing it, does it say in the rules the Factions move up when you kill one of their pieces? It was mentioned in the original post but I cant find it No, the conditions are given on the plot cards. It’s actually a minor spoiler to mention that one but I felt some...
A quick summary of the bug: unnamed enemies that have been previously killed, such as a raider waster in federal ration stockpile, will sometimes respawn "playing dead." When an enemy is affected by this bug, they cannot move or attack. Killing an enemy affected by this bug will make thei...
It appears that the game does some sort of companion check when using this elevator, and will move your companions here regardless of their status. [1]. The same behavior can be found in the Hoover Dam using the elevator that leads up to the control room, where you install the override ...