Posts 4 Logs About this mod 新增一系列不用切換瞄準視角的瞄準鏡 Share Requirements Permissions and credits See Through Scopes可透視的瞄準鏡 中文化 安裝時可自行選擇新增一系列新的瞄準鏡,或取代原版的短程瞄準鏡。適用於所有原版可安裝瞄準鏡的武器。包括2.5x, 4x, 及 8x 瞄準鏡,普通及偵察版...
Fallout 4 Mods Weapons See Through Scopes Endorsements 87,711 Unique DLs 1,806,565 Total DLs 5,196,237 Total views 7,409,790 Version 2.6.1 Download: Manual Last updated 26 July 20246:49PM Original upload 04 February 201612:42PM Created by ... Old Time Religion - A Legendary Reward - 改進上面那個的任務獎勵 Phase 4 An Institute Expansion - 學院勝利擴展 裝備: Hellfire X-03 Power Armor - 十分...
《辐射4》Dak的战斗步枪新网格Redux STS补丁 更新MOD,使用 Dak 的战斗步枪、remesh REDUX 和 See Through Scopes 时调整瞄准误差。 (选项:将 Recons 范围替换为 Normal Scope。将 Long Scope 更改为 STS。这个MOD非常易于安装和使用,只需要简单的几步即可完成安装,让你可以立即开始享受新的游戏体验。它能够为你的...
See Through Scopes by henkspamadres Better Graphics and Weather by Axii169 Legendary Pip Boy Skins by InvokerGray
-See Through Scopes- Holotape in inventory to change settings. -Holstered Weapns by Azar v1.5 (PC)- created in chemistry station or bought form Malia, a new vendor on the main road to Concord byt yellow house. Backpack +50 carry weight bonus. Base, L and R attachment. - FN Five-sev...
The pipe revolver is a weapon in Fallout 4. Variants include pipe revolver pistol, pipe revolver rifle, and pipe revolver sniper rifle. The pipe revolver weapon frame, being chambered for .45 rounds by default (with every 6 rounds loaded at a time via mo
These are known as unique weapon effects, and they can only be found by adding the effect through commands, or getting the unique weapon that they are found on. A removable effect is a weapon mod that is not legendary, i.e. it will block some other mod on the weapon but will not ...
It has the ability of almost instantaneously downing a persons radiation by some 150 points, making striding through a bomb-crater look like a cake-walk. however, because it has been two-hundred years since these helpful-orange bags were being made, they are a rare find in the wastes, and...
High FOV values can cause scopes to not cover the entire screen when aiming down sights.[14] If you use the console commandfov #, achievements will be disabled for the current session of the game; edit the file mentioned above for a permanent fix. ...