《辐射4》Fake Through Scope FTS瞄具MOD,简单来说就是不同于STS的透视贴图,FTS是跟当今主流FPS一样给镜子单独建模,实现真正的镜中画效果。《辐射4》的背景设定在核战争后的美国波士顿,玩家将以主角和小狗为核心,探索这片广阔的末世世界!玩家作为避难所唯一的幸存者重返地表,并向着波士顿市区出发,展开冒险。喜欢的...
RobCo Recon Scope Replacer - 更酷的偵查瞄準具 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36374 Ultra Interior Lighting - 很讚的室內光線 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22101 Ultra Exterior Lighting - 跟上面同個作者,很讚的是外光線 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41625 Reverb ...
About this mod A framework for loading custom user interface crosshairs and optics while zoomed in with the scope menu. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Mirrors Donations A framework for loading custom user interface crosshairs and optics while zoomed in with the scope menu....
Tags for this mod Overhaul Broken in Next-Gen Update Tag this mod Description Files 7 Images 5 Videos 4 Articles 2 Posts 463 Bugs 21 Logs Stats About this mod This MOD is able to zoom in on the inside of the scope while aiming, without affecting the FOV too much Share...
A long scope is a weapon mod for various weapons in Fallout 4. The long scope mod is a sight that can be attached to most weapons. It has the highest magnification of all the standard scopes available, with the same magnification as the long night vision
《辐射4》Dak的突击步枪替换 STS补丁以及更多MOD,将瞄具向后移动以获得更好的外观。 (可选:取下前准星。将 Recons Scope 的外观替换为 Normal Scope。将长瞄具更改为透视瞄具。这个MOD非常易于安装和使用,只需要简单的几步即可完成安装,让你可以立即开始享受新的游戏体验。它能够为你的游戏带来不同寻常的乐趣。
Modifications: long barrel, marksman's stock, large magazine, scope, suppressor Mercenarieswith a combat rifle and wearingcombat armorparts atParsons State Insane Asylum 展开 v·d·e Weapons inFallout 4 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
i thought i was too, but a point in sneak and moving very slowly helped a lot. though those super mutants seem to be really freakin' perceptive. i've not gotten close to anyone, but close enough to get some good head shots. Plus i found a good sniper finally with night scope. :)...
of the elementsyou'd expect, including double-decker buses, red phone booths, and some of the global capital's more famous landmarks. It replaces the series' usual currency of bottle caps with Tube Tickets, and its version of London is comparable to Fallout 4's Boston in...
Arecon scopemesh for theassault riflethat matches the style used on other weapons. Short and long fluted barrels for thecombat rifle, along with a small magazine and adrum magazine. Alarge magazinefor thecombat shotgun, based on the mesh used for the combat rifle's large magazine. ...