on Far Harbor involves you going into a simulation to recover a synths memories and I gotta tell you, this is the most mind numbing and boring mission I have ever played in any Fallout game. You are just running around moving blocks for what seems like an eternity. In Nuka world more ...
The console is a debugging tool in the computer versions of Fallout 4. It is useful for altering content while in-game, but may be used to cheat as well. It cannot be accessed in the console versions of the game or in Survival mode. In order to access th
Fallout 76 is a post-apocalyptic multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the sixth installment in the Fallout series (ninth overall) and released on Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xb
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
The PC version has been much smoother in that regard, running between 40 and 60fps on Ultra settings on my GeForce GTX 970, and maintaining 60 when I lowered only the anti-aliasing settings. On all platforms we saw occasional crashes (the auto-save system prevented any major loss of ...
I am like 40 hours in and just noticed this when I turned on Nvidia overlay. The game was running a bit weird but moving in fast speed. I tried capping frame rate at 60 instead of 120fps through the new NVidia app and no change to GPU or CPU usage but I fixed the sped up FPS ...
Version Reviewed: PS4 Pro / Europeanreview by Robert Ramsey Wed 28th Dec 2022 Share: 0Republished on Wednesday, 28th December, 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of January 2023's PS Plus lineup. The original text follows. Fallout 76 will be ...
1. Download the Buffout 4 Main File ( VR Version Here! ) and extract the archive somewhere on your PC.2. Place / move the extracted F4SE folder into your Fallout 4/Data or Fallout 4 VR/Data folder (& overwrite if asked).3. Open the config.toml (or Buffout4.toml) file...
so i deleted fallout london and reinstalled fallout 4 and now this mod and some other ones too never save when i change the settings so every time i load in my character i always have to go in the mcm manager to apply them and its pretty annoying since i dint need to do all that ...
Finally, let me briefly commend the sound in Fallout 4. There are some great songs to be heard in the game and personally, I liked the voice acting, including the main character's. Reviewed on PC (code provided by the publisher). ...