on Far Harbor involves you going into a simulation to recover a synths memories and I gotta tell you, this is the most mind numbing and boring mission I have ever played in any Fallout game. You are just running around moving blocks for what seems like an eternity. In Nuka world more ...
If the NPC is killed after resurrecting them, they may also fail to ragdoll on their second death. Some creatures will not resume their "animated" state when resurrected, and will simply glide along the ground while not moving at all. This is entirely dependent on the race/species of the...
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
Moving away from the controversial dialogue system of Fallout 4, players can now see their full responses, and conversations often have checks for factors such as SPECIAL, items and quest progress. Players can now fast travel from indoors and with enemies nearby as long as they are not ...
I am like 40 hours in and just noticed this when I turned on Nvidia overlay. The game was running a bit weird but moving in fast speed. I tried capping frame rate at 60 instead of 120fps through the new NVidia app and no change to GPU or CPU usage but I fixed the sped up FPS ...
(which you can either play on terminals or on your Pip-Boy); what's more important is that it's possible to find some great side quests even by accident while moving through the wasteland (or listening to the radio - try to do that as much as you can). Some of the best ones ...
Moving on, survival mechanics aim to keep you engaged, with hunger and dehydration damaging your stats if you're not looking after yourself. While there's nothing strictly wrong with survival elements in general, they need to be well implemented. Unfortunately for Fallout 76, keeping your hunger...
Fallout 4 VR’sdefault teleporting locomotion scheme can be pretty tedious when moving around the Wasteland overworld. Although I found its precision much more useful when moving around a building’s interior during dungeon clearing, I still opted for the free locomotion option in the end. If yo...
Explosions Don't Push Collectible Objects - prevent explosions moving items if they can be takenExtend Lockpick Sweet Spot Range - makes lockpick harder by allowing the unlock spot to be on the edges of the screenFast Travel Doesn't Progress Time - don't progress time or hardcore needs when...
that said, with your specs, you will probably run into a physics engine bug indoors where the game actually runs at too high of a framerate, causing the physics engine to break. when this happens to me, i generally cant stop moving indoors or i will get stuck in one place if i left...