One can also resurrect an already-killed Powder Ganger: Click the corpse of one of the Powder Gangers that showed up for the Ghost Town Gunfight. It is correctly selected if the top of the screen shows the target's name and refID. Use the console command "resurrect". ...
targetID.resurrect –Resurrects NPCs. Will not work on NPCs who are "scripted" to be dead by default, either through a quest script's effect or an internal data flag. Warning: Be aware that NPCs with crippled limbs/head can spawn without them or with a collection of giblets where the...
Adds female synth settlers with different varieties of MK1, MK2 and MK3 with glow colors, brought to you from my Female Synth Skins.
Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemy resurrect Unlock selected physical lock or terminal unlock Open door without unlocking activate Perfect VATS aiming SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100 Developer test room coc DevArmory Change faction reputation SetReputation [faction ID] [0 or 1] [1-100] Chan...