小型枪械技能可以通过穿戴多种不同的增强敏捷或直接增强小型枪械技能的衣物(如Ranger Battle Armor,增强小型枪械技能10点)得到暂时的增强。 小型枪械技能越高,从小型枪械中打出的子弹偏离目标的距离就越小,对于带有瞄准镜的武器,如狙击步枪或狙击型马格南.44手枪,在利用瞄准镜进行射击时瞄准镜的晃动就越慢。小型...
护林员小屋(Ranger Cabin)西边,即地图最西边,池塘边有两间棚屋(Shack),住有一商人(Trader)[其性别随玩家开局不断刷新],养了一只家猫(House Cat),种植野生玉米(Wild Corn Plant)和野生铃薯(Wild Tato Plant),还有船停在小湖附近;控制台输入coc POIJS007,就能快速旅行至该商人(Trader)东边的孤坟。 星光休息站(...
A patch for https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/84715?tab=description by Kotorisovanie so it no longer uses maxsons battle coat or the green rag hat and instead can be found as its own armor at tw
-NCR Veteran Ranger Armor PC- located Kellog’s home in Diamond City in a safe. - Advances Settlement Turret Set. Needs Automatron and Far Harbor? - Wattz Lazer Gun- Appears in game at L15-20. More powerful thant AER-9 Laser Rifle, slower fire rate, can be transformed to sutomatic or...
desert ranger pants with this goes well gentledamnspy supporter 29 kudos 06 January 2025, 5:27PM Agreed. Colors on top with this one. This outfit based on one of these concepts:https://www.deviantart.com/mrpebbles-nukatales/art/Fallout-4-UTC-Nate-Archer-Clothing-Concept-1-1082351763 ...
And these types of titles were kind of revived in the form of Fallout 4 radiant quests (eg. Trapper Attack on LOCATION NAME, Help Defend LOCATION NAME, Stop the raiding at LOCATION NAME, etc). I mean, there's hardly any flair to these titles compared to the quests in the FPS Fallout...
Act-5May NCR Ranger Veteran Armor-0.41-9034-0-41.rar Found in Kellog’s House Diamond City Character Act- Caliente’s Beautiful Body v2.6.3-15-2-6-3-1587299180.7z Act- Eye of Beauty Fallout Edition Act- Loving Cait- v7915-1-0-3.7z Act- Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar- vBA2-8126-v3...
from a distance of over 100 yards which almost always results in a one-hit-kill without a loss of Karma or Reputation with the New California Republic. Due to your character being well out of eyesight it's as simple as walking up to the dead NPC and taking his NCR Ranger armor. ...
Step4: Wait for him to leave his powersuit and go back in it. Step5: Repeat Step1-4. Unlimited Settlement Size While at a settlement, drop all your extra weapons on the ground. Enter workshop mode, and click to store those weapons in workbench. This will trick the game into thinking...
0002042ERaider Painspike Armor 0002042FRaider Psycho-Tic Helmet 00020432Ranger Battle Armor 00023030Ranger Armor 00023030Pip-Boy 3000 000236D8Rivet City Security Helmet 000239CBRivet City Security Uniform 000239CCEnclave Power Armor 00023B62Power Armor 00025083Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83Recon Armor Helmet...