Operation: Anchorage location Chimera Armor Depot 外观 概述 普遍 游戏信息 技术 组织 People's Liberation Army 布局 属于 Anchorage Reclamation simulation 地图标记 Chimera Armor Depot 任务 Paving the Way 单元名称 DLC02RallyPointChimeraCell Ref ID xx{{#pad:000ffa|6|0|left}} 工作人员 登场 Ope...
And these types of titles were kind of revived in the form of Fallout 4 radiant quests (eg. Trapper Attack on LOCATION NAME, Help Defend LOCATION NAME, Stop the raiding at LOCATION NAME, etc). I mean, there's hardly any flair to these titles compared to the quests in the FPS Fallout...
Fallout 4 Mod - Resurrection wehrberus 81.9k 365 Soon on nexus L0rd0fWar 76.3k 675 CBBE - Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer Zimta 75.9k 124 How to run Fallout 4 in Ultra Wide 21 by 9 chris2012 74.9k 10 T-49 - Armor of the Storyteller Armor Location Guide pixelgamerch 73.4...
Australian Bush Ranger Armor Endorsements 4 Unique DLs 191 Total DLs 224 Total views 4,367 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 7 items Last updated 12 May 20247:00PM Original upload 12 May 20247:00PM Created by Fallout Commonwealth Uploaded by ...
4 注释 5 登场 6 幕后 7 图集 8 参考 背景[] 曾经是卷发部落的重要领土(虽然不是他们的家园),在2281年之前的一段时间,枯井在其成员的记忆中变得更加臭名昭著,特别是,当部落在凯撒的命令和他们的联盟下被沃尔普斯·因库塔背叛时,作为他们毁灭的地方,曾经打败了亚利桑那州的许多其他部落,当他们被同化成军团的队...
Raul Tejada:" Rafaela and I ran. We were pursued by some of the men who attacked our home, but I was always a good shot. The ones who came after us, I killed. The rest, I left be. I had to take care of Rafaela, not throw my life away on revenge." ...
4 Signal Papa November 5 注释 6 Appearances 7 图集 布局[] 凯西史密斯车库 is seven squares west of Megaton. An unnamed location marker is added to the Pip-Boy 3000 map during the quest Scientific Pursuits. The Garage can be located before this. But again, entering Vault 112 prematurely is ...
Message to Sammy- reveals the location on the map Three other buildingsTinker's Workbench, Weapons Workbench, Armor Workbench. 007Gilman Lumber Mill Some bugs, two friendly robots, Tinker's Workbench A Job Opportunity- up the stairs, reveals the location on the map ...
Stepinac:"We're part scout, part commando, part sheriff. The training is brutal, and I'd say eight out of ten recruits washes out before the end. Before you get your Ranger badge, you've got to prove you can be quieter than a shadow and more ferocious than a Deathclaw." ...