Spawn Unique Nuka World Raiders (Operator-Pack-Disciples) Settlers - Alkay:生成掠夺者居民 在不进入DLC的前提下生成掠夺者居民。 GOT - Gatherers Out There:猎人、采药人居民 采集者(猎人、草药医生和拾荒者)离开他们的居住地,在荒地上四处游荡,寻找他们所需要的资源(肉、草药、废料)。每个地方都有特定的当地...
The mechanic jumpsuit is an outfit in Fallout 4. Mechanic jumpsuits provide a bonus of 1 to Intelligence and Perception while worn. They do not allow armor to be worn over them but may be upgraded with ballistic weave. One variant of mechanic jumpsuit is
The Gauntlet is an annual competition which brings with it a unique theme every year for our fellow Nukapedians to try and conquer for a chance at glory and prizes! This year's theme is a writing competition involving Amazon's Fallout television show. 20 competitors over the next 12 months...
Unique DLs 906 Total DLs 1,259 Total views 10,699 Version 1 Download: Manual 4 items Last updated 06 March 20243:51AM Original upload 06 March 20243:51AM Created by Dominatorv111 Uploaded by Dominatorv111 Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod ... 裝備: Hellfire X-03 Power Armor - 十分精緻的動力裝甲 Enclave X-02 Power Armor - 十分精緻的動力裝甲 ...
A reference ID is a unique ID assigned to any item/object/etc when it is spawned into the world. You can find out the reference ID of an item/object by clicking on it in your game whilst the console is open. cf "ObjectReference.AddItem" < Reference ID > < Amount > < Silent > ...
Anywhere (even Diamond City, AR2 locations, FarHarbor, Nukaworld, Point Lookout, etc).This mod uses Scripts but will not impact your game. A script is only run once on Takeoff, Landing, Entry, Exit, Recall Beacon use, and when you see a Vertibird status message - the rest of the ...
Maxson's cape: Appears as an armor add-on fitting on theBOS uniform. In the final build of the game Elder Maxson wears a uniquecoat, the mesh of which includes the BOS officer uniform. 文件:Fo4 metal helmet cut.png The three metal helmet variations. ...
When killed, it drops its talon, which can be crafted at a workbench into a unique deathclaw gauntlet called the Fist of Rawr (or Fist of the North Rawr with the Wild Wasteland trait). Stripe: In the Old World Blues add-on, Higgs Village houses a miniature alpha male deathclaw named ...
And of course, there are also a lot of collection quests to drive more than 20 hours of exploration, combat, and looting. A tempting suit of high-end power armor in a display case entices you to find dozens of Star Cores that power Nuka-World’s main computer system. The recipe behind...