Fallout 4: T-51 Power Armor – Nuka Cola Armor pack (exterior armor pieces) details: T-51 Armor pieces are compatible with all previous threezero Fallout 4 Power Armor collectibles figures with endoskeleton; Special Nuka Cola color variation; ...
In Fallout 4, armor can be modified using junk components. Anyone can create new base-level modifications, remove any existing modifications from armor and apply any player character-owned modifications to armor. The Armorer perk is required for creating
2286年4月,科尔特(Colter)与二把手波特·加吉(Porter Gage)率领核子世界掠夺者(Nuka-World raiders)三大帮派血徒帮(The Disciples)、惑心帮(The Operators)和战狼帮(The Pack)一同占领了核子城(Nuka-Town),一些掠夺者(Raider)还攻进了银河区(Galactic Zone),肯德尔(Kendell)率领手下奋力反击,将掠夺者(Raider)击退。
建好营地后,出去侦察的二等兵班森(Pvt. Benson)汇报称,核子世界(Nuka-World)南侧有个贸易点叫美国核子城(Nuka-Town USA),但那地区是核子世界掠夺者(Nuka-World raiders)的地盘,那是他们从来未在联邦看过这么大规模的掠夺者(Raiders)帮派,一时间兰尼尔(Lanier)不敢招惹他们。 附近的核子世界装瓶厂(Nuka-World Bo...
Power armor, also referred to as powered armor, powered combat infantry armor,[1] and powered infantry armor,[2][3] is a type of personal infantry suit intended for combat and heavy-labor roles, similar to that of an infantry fighting vehicle. Power armo
☢ ☢ Fallout 4 #辐射4# T-51 NUKACOLA POWER ARMOR FIGURE #2017e3# 辐射4超话 û收藏 11 评论 ñ15 还没有人评论,赶快抢个沙发相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 看电影 01月14日 21:31 #柏林电影节# 贾樟柯新作[一直游到海水变蓝]入围第70届#柏林电影节#特别...
Spawn Unique Nuka World Raiders (Operator-Pack-Disciples) Settlers - Alkay:生成掠夺者居民 在不进入DLC的前提下生成掠夺者居民。 GOT - Gatherers Out There:猎人、采药人居民 采集者(猎人、草药医生和拾荒者)离开他们的居住地,在荒地上四处游荡,寻找他们所需要的资源(肉、草药、废料)。每个地方都有特定的当地...
Winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition includes Bethesda Game Studio's critically acclaimed Fallout 4 plus all six official add-ons: Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop and Nuka-World! As the sole ...
锤子(hammer)居住的黄色房子里还有量子可乐(Nuka-ColaQuantum),旁边有地堡入口的小屋内的柜子上有齿锯(Ripper);地堡里有防辐射服;在北部入口右侧的红色卡车车厢内有超级变种人头盔(Supermutantcagehelmet)。在南部入口望台有超级变种人铁链(Supermutantchains) 兰斯埃姆斯(LanceAmes)居住的蓝色房子在社区的北边角落,房间...
DLC: Nuka-World Armour Tag this mod Description Files1 Images4 Videos0 Posts22 Bugs0 Logs Stats Author images Pages 1 Dominatorv111 Dominatorv111 Dominatorv111 Location Dominatorv111 Pages 1 User images No results VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...