但很不幸,道尼下士(Corporal Downey)在装瓶厂(Bottling Plant)遇到了罕见的核子蟹(Nukalurk),这种螃蟹比他们在联邦遇到的螃蟹都难对付,侦察队伤亡殆尽,道尼下士(Corporal Downey)临死前录下一张全息卡带交给一等兵克莱(Private Clay),让其撤退向兰尼尔中士(Sergeant Lanier)汇报这里的情况…… 兰尼尔(Lanier)听到克莱...
但他们转变尸鬼(Ghoul)的原因并非全是因辐尘(Fallout)、风暴(Storm),更重要的原因是装瓶厂(Bottling Plant)饮料实验室(Secure beverageer lab)里米德查姆(Meacham)等人秘密实施的钴项目(Project Cobalt)实验造成的结果,——核战前,饮料工程师米德查姆(Meacham)等人秘密研究量子武器,将试验反应炉的高辐射废水通过紧急溢...
Since the process of manufacturing Nuka-Cola was a such a closely-guarded secret, the Bottling Plant featured extremely heavy automated security to deter would-be industrial spies and saboteurs.Dry Rock GulchDry Rock Gulch was built as a celebration of Nuka-Cola Wild, the root-beer flavored bev...
Fallout 4 Nuka World released August 29. This DLC allows players to conquer settlements by leading raiders. Its central location is a run-down theme park. First, you must pass a significant challenge only available at level 30. Here is a list of the current guides to Nuka World: Fallout 4...
One in Nuka-Cola bottling plant, on the roof. Another one northeast of the map marker, next to a red building. One in Nuka-World junkyard's northeast, in the barn. One in the Nuka-World power plant. Southeast of The Parlor, near a storage garage. One near a garage southwest of Safa...
Nuka-World power plant Nuka-World Red Rocket Nuka-World transit center Nuka-Express Wixon's Shovel Museum 创作俱乐部 Charlestown condo GNR building plaza Hub 360 Hubris film studio Neon Flats Noir penthouse Nu Cafe Ola Shroud Manor 找不到分类“Fallout 4 mentioned-only locations”...
↑TheLone Wanderer:"What do you know about the Nuka-Cola Bottling Facility?" Sierra Petrovita:"Well, the D.C. Facility was like their main factory just before the bombs fell. All the research they did was performed there. It was the only facility to ever produce Quantum. They were in ...
一、 核子世界转运站(Nuka-World transit center)装了核子世界(Nuka-World)DLC后,就会自动接取到“请上车”的任务,在哔哔小子(Pip Boy)中打开电台,选择核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)。核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)广播内容包括核子世界主题曲(Nuka-World theme song)的浓缩摘录,接着是...
Fallout 4 is a big game, but adding more is even better. With the season pass, you unlock 2 new placer: Far Harbor and Nuka World; also, get a new quest line and mechanics for the base game and map like build a robot companion. Honestly, the season pass is really worthy to expand...