8、 核子世界发电厂(Nuka World Power plant) 战前,核子世界发电厂(Nuka World Power plant)的负责人是A·巴克力(A. Buckley)和N·奥图(N. Otto),下属员工还有C·卡森(C. Carlson)、T·雷诺(T. Reynolds)、T·拉森(T. Larson)和桑德(Saunders)。C·卡森(C. Carlson)和他的团队奉命对2077年4月28日发...
2286年4月,科尔特(Colter)与二把手波特·加吉(Porter Gage)率领核子世界掠夺者(Nuka-World raiders)三大帮派血徒帮(The Disciples)、惑心帮(The Operators)和战狼帮(The Pack)一同占领了核子城(Nuka-Town),一些掠夺者(Raider)还攻进了银河区(Galactic Zone),肯德尔(Kendell)率领手下奋力反击,将掠夺者(Raider)击退。
Nuka-World power plant Nuka-World Red Rocket Nuka-World transit center Nuka-Express Wixon's Shovel Museum 创作俱乐部 Charlestown condo GNR building plaza Hub 360 Hubris film studio Neon Flats Noir penthouse Nu Cafe Ola Shroud Manor 找不到分类“Fallout 4 mentioned-only locations”...
Nuka-World's Power Plant contained multiple fusion reactors which were necessary to satisfy the needs of Nuka-World's parks and attractions.Nuka-ColaAmateur chemist John-Caleb Bradberton discovered the formula for Nuka-Cola in 2044. Within a year, Nuka-Cola could be purchased across the entire ...
One in Nuka-Galaxy, near the elevator. One in Nuka-Cola bottling plant, on the roof. Another one northeast of the map marker, next to a red building. One in Nuka-World junkyard's northeast, in the barn. One in the Nuka-World power plant. Southeast of The Parlor, near a storage gar...
战前,这里是美国海岸警卫队查尔斯河站,海岸警卫队的辖区也发生了骇人听闻的核子可乐(Nuka-Cola)瓶盖杀人案,这次被谋杀的居然是军方的莱特少尉,莱特被谋杀后被投尸河里;海岸警卫队主要的职责是缉查水路走私案件,所以证物终端机里记录了很多走私案件。当然,终端机里也有关于温特末日案的信息。 黑帮爱尔兰犯罪家族(Irish...
Nuka Cola Bottling Plant & Where to Find Nuka Power Armor Power Play: Final Quest Open Season: Alternate Good Ending Raider Outposts & Wasteland Warlord Endings Guide: Benefits and Choices Scav Magazine Locations & Maps Porter Gage's Perk, Likes, and Dislikes ...
↑ Nuka-World loading screen hints: "Nuka-World's Power Plant contained multiple fusion reactors which were necessary to satisfy the needs of Nuka-World's parks and attractions." ↑ |Paladin Danse: "Had they gotten it operational, Mass Fusion's experimental reactor would have made places like...
Nuka-World (add-on) Top Pages this Week Vault-Tec bobblehead (Fallout 4) 1 Antiseptic (Fallout 76) 2 Fallout: New Vegas console commands 3 Sugar Bombs (Fallout 76) 4 Fallout 4 perks 5 The: Sierra Petrovita:"Well, okay. To be honest I'm so excited I can barely keep it in! It'...
Fusion Reactor (Hi-Tech Powerplant 3x3)Large nuclear fusion powerplant for up to 4 smart settlers. Can produce over 1000 power with all 4 settlers at L3.Comes with a variety of skins.Wasteland Laundromat (Sanitation 2x2)A low-tech laundromat made of a bunch of swing sets, which boils ...