As a simpler alternative to points 2 - 4, the player can simply left-click on the item when it is lying on the floor. The RefID will then be displayed on-screen just as if one used the mentioned console command. Certain weapons can be challenging to left-click when dropped, so if ...
- New Rank 1 description: "You move more quickly and quietly on your own. When adventuring without a companion, you move 5% faster and are 5% harder to detect."- These bonuses increase by a cumulative 5% for each rank, up to a max of 20% at rank 4....
尤利西斯 是一名信使,以前是凯撒军团密探。2281年, 他是维克托雇佣[3],向赌城运送包裹的6名邮差之一。不过他本人却神秘失踪了,运送白金筹码的任务,也落到了主角信使的身上。 他是孤独之路的主要反派. 尤利西斯曾是卷发部落的一员。卷发部落是亚利桑那一只强大的部族,部
Now all that is left is returning to captain Kells. Use the elevator to reach the surface faster. Move to Prydwen and talk to Kells. You will receive 100 bottlecaps from him. Quest rewards: Experience points, 100 bottlecaps. Fallout 4 November 10, 2015 Rate It! Overview Guide Review Yo...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 4) 在联邦,掠夺者的组织能力比以前更强。掠夺者现在技术更先进了,可以使用机关枪炮塔和自动聚光灯——一些掠夺者的首领甚至重新使用了动力装甲。但是,联邦的掠夺者没有一个集中的组织,而是分成几个团体。从终端和对话中可以看出,这些群体有的相互对抗,有的互不干涉。例如,Red Tourette的团队...
4 Behind the scenesCharacteristicsCompared to the standard straight razor, Figaro boasts superior damage per strike and critical hit damage, having a faster attack speed and double the critical chance. Visually, the weapon features a slightly tarnished metal handle with a polished silver blade decora...
it works in Oculus. Great to be immersed in the world of Fallout 4. Although movement and shooting are fine, Bethesda appear to have made the menu controls tricky deliberately, as you can stop the annoying jumping when you move up and down ...
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
2. Place / move the extracted F4SE folder into your Fallout 4/Data or Fallout 4 VR/Data folder (& overwrite if asked).3. Open the config.toml (or Buffout4.toml) file with a text editor, then change the following parameters if needed:- If you'd like faster switching between your ...
The poison damage effects of the dart do stack; more darts in the target at once will cause it to lose health at a faster rate. The dart gun is treated as a silenced weapon, and has 0 spread (perfect accuracy when shot with a Small Guns skill of 100), making it an effective ...