在Fallout 4,獨存者能在聯邦的眾多地方建造並管理自己的聚落。玩家能用新的工作檯界面放置和連接尚未組裝的結購物和單獨物件(牆壁、地板、屋頂之類),以依照自己想要的方式建造自己的家。 這些聚落蓋好後就能大幅度客製化。你可以在建築和結構物裡面把家具、裝飾和燈光擺
The Season Pass for the incredible RPG Fallout 4 includes: Far Harbor, Nuka-World, Wasteland Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop, Contraptions Workshop and...
Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y. Edition Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y. Pip-Boy Edition “Return to the Wasteland on September 26 with Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition. With all the latest gameplay updates (including Survival mode), graphical enhancements, the ability to play Mods for free on PC and ...
Am looking forward to starting again, I may wait until my next PC upgrade though if possible get Far Harbor. in terms of story and atmosphere it is a great DLC and much better than the vanilla game in my eyes. coc, May 4, 2024 #335 Mufflore likes this. TyrantofJustice Ancien...
During the loading screen, if the player hits X on the Xbox One, square on the PS4, or Q on the PC, the character/creature/item on display will turn to the color of the player's HUD, and back to the original color(s) when hit again. Right stick (Xbox One) or clicking and ...
Bethseda uses a very outdated game engine thats why even on good pc its just run like stinky ass same for starfield its using the same fallout 4 engine but if they put new stuff there the performance is just ass. 1 Like Reply rtbh99 Challenger 05-25-2024 01:11 PM thats...
4 Reply 67 Constable_What Tue 20th Nov 2018 @Red-Ranger Why aren't you playing the game? Hm? You wouldn't know SJW or PC if it bit you, by the way, but you're obviously utterly oblivious to anything other than being a jerk for no reason other than someone didn't like the thing...
I'm not really a settlement builder but do enjoy building in Fallout 4. I create these builds for my own enjoyment, and there are no plans to update them (unless I really want to). Also, this comes as is and works fine on my pc, although other user experiences may vary. I just ...
Compass Height Indicator - show whether an NPC is above or below the player on the compass as in Fallout 4Save Manager - add a customizable number of save slots for incremental and auto-saves, event based saves and a configurable timed auto-save. Also add a 60 frame delay before the ...
4. Charisma Image View Gallery Are you a smooth talker who can sweet-talk your way out of anything? Do you want to be? Level Charisma and find out! Take a trip through the Mojave as the silver-tongued Courier. Buy and sell for the best prices when you visit vendors and enjoy comp...