[RSP+1468] 0x7FF79AA2D1B6 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+241D1B6) [RSP+1470] 0x236B0452670 (void*) [RSP+1478] 0x7FF79A833D70 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2223D70) [RSP+1480] 0x23600000151 (void*) [RSP+1488] 0x236B0452670 (void*) [RSP+1490] 0x0 (size_t) [RSP+1498] 0x...
Witness Me! Over 30 different spears, all with unique explosive effects! Also Makeshift Tesla Grenades, Broken Geck Mines, Bug Sticks, Shotgun Sticks etc.
LL_Minigun (the guns spawns 50% of the time instead of a minigun) LL_Weapon_Any_Boss Does the gun have any modifictations? Yes it does. –10 Receviers –4 Barrels –7 Sights –3 Barrel Jackets –2 Magazines –3 Stocks –5 Muzzles ...