[RSP+1468] 0x7FF79AA2D1B6 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+241D1B6) [RSP+1470] 0x236B0452670 (void*) [RSP+1478] 0x7FF79A833D70 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2223D70) [RSP+1480] 0x23600000151 (void*) [RSP+1488] 0x236B0452670 (void*) [RSP+1490] 0x0 (size_t) [RSP+1498] 0x...
About this mod Witness Me! Over 30 different spears, all with unique explosive effects! Also Makeshift Tesla Grenades, Broken Geck Mines, Bug Sticks, Shotgun Sticks etc. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Mandarin Donations This mod adds:- A wooden chest next to Goods...
Installation: Nexus Mod Manager –Download the main file, and let NMM install the mod. –During the installation-progress: pick the options you like the most –Done! Installation: Manual I assume you know where your Fallout 4 data folder is, and that you know how to make the game load ...