《辐射4》AliceGrinderMinigunRedux 移植MOD,加特林爱丽丝机枪“Grinder”从新维加斯到辐射 4 的改进移植,有我自己的小调整。这个MOD非常易于安装和使用,只需要简单的几步即可完成安装,让你可以立即开始享受新的游戏体验。它能够为你的游戏带来不同寻常的乐趣。喜欢的朋友快来下载试试看吧~ 截图 使用说明 1.下载...
The jammed minigun is a miscellaneous item in Fallout: New Vegas. It is a unique, broken, and unobtainable minigun. It cannot be picked up or equipped. Should the Courier attempt to do so within the Hidden Valley bunker, a nearby Scribe will comment, "Go
I've been busting out the power armor and mini-gun when I find particularly well-armed groups of raiders and super mutants. The hoarder in me wants to save them for later, but I keep finding more fusion cores, so why not? I am running low on 5mm rounds for the minigun, but I jus...
close All games Fallout 4 Mods Weapons Minigun - Bazooka Barrel Endorsements 21 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 11 September 20248:10PM Original upload 11 September 20248:10PM ...
5.Minigun(Fallout 3 & New Vegas) The Mini-gun is a multi-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire, employing Gatling-style rotating barrels. It was a standard military weapon before theGreat War, with Rockwell's CZ series being the most popular choice in the United States. ...
Double the minigun base damage from 8 -> 16 (that is like 2x damage for dumdum like me) preventing it from being obsolete compared to portable minigun.
Rory就在旁边的圆柱体里, 钥匙和打开牢房门的钥匙是同一把,如果奴贩们看见了Rory就会开枪,但是不会打你,于是除了血洗奴贩营地之外还有一个办法可以完美救人: 先让他等着, 把外面所有人子弹都偷了,天黑时候外面只有1个无关紧要的有名NPC,其他人都是龙套, 用偷窃的方式给Rory一把好枪, 最好是Minigun,因为...
Hardened minigun S 19‑22 20.5 3 3 2 20,450 10 = 12d 8h 9m60 = 5d 18h 55m102 = 9h 45m 21s Hardened missile launcher S 20‑23 21.5 4 3 2 21,000 10 = 12d 15h 45m60 = 5d 22h 31m102 = 10h 5m 24s Hardened railway rifle P 14‑17 15.5 3 2 2 18,900 ...
文件:FO4MinigunTurret.png 固定旋转机枪:可以通过控制台指令生成,但无法在工房中建造。需要一名居民操作,可以提高定居点10点防御值。Acts as a container with 100 5mm rounds. There are problems with the axes of the model making it difficult to place it such that it can fire. ...
Gauntlet 0000432B胖子(小型核武器)FatMan 0000432C火焰喷射器Flamer 0000432D破片手雷Frag Grande 00004330破片地雷Frag Mine 0000433CGatling Laser 0000432E猎枪Hunting Rifle 00004333刀Knife 00004334激光手枪Laser Pistol 00004335激光步枪Laser Rifle 00004336Lead Pipe 00004337Mesmeron 00004339迷你机枪Minigun 0000433F...