Born sometime in the 19th century, Jack is the son of archaeologistLorenzo Cabot. In1894, his father led an expedition to theRub' al Khaliin search of the fabledUbarcivilization. After Lorenzo returned toBostonfrom the Middle East with analien artifact, he was found to have been granted sup...
战前,洛伦佐·凯伯(Lorenzo Cabot)在阿拉伯挖掘到一件考古文物——神秘神器(Mysterious Artifact)王冠(Crown)后,就开始拥有奇怪的能力;随后,洛伦佐带着王冠(Crown),返回了位于美国波士顿的家里……回家之后,洛伦佐表现出心灵传送等奇怪的能力,同时也变得多疑、暴力与疯狂,并犯下一系列罪行。于是,杰克(Jack)只好把父亲...
Jack Cabot:"My father, Lorenzo Cabot, is... confined in Parsons. He became dangerously unstable after handling an artifact he found on an archaeological dig in Arabia. He gained various seemingly paranormal powers... as well as becoming increasingly irrational and violent.In the end, I had no...
Secret of Cabot House: Charisma Bobblehead and Lorenzo's Artifact This Quest is the only way to enter Parsons State Insane Asylum and get to Jack Cabot's office where the Charisma Bobblehead is located. Vault 81 The benefits of traveling here are plenty - a medicine bobblehead, Curie (comp...
战前,洛伦佐·凯伯(Lorenzo Cabot)在阿拉伯挖掘到一件考古文物——神秘神器(Mysterious Artifact)王冠(Crown)后,就开始拥有奇怪的能力;随后,洛伦佐带着王冠(Crown),返回了位于美国波士顿的家里……回家之后,洛伦佐表现出心灵传送等奇怪的能力,同时也变得多疑、暴力与疯狂,并犯下一系列罪行。于是,杰克(Jack)只好把父亲...
"At some point many years ago, he handled an artifact contaminated with the FEV virus that caused him to mutate . He is now very old, sick, and he tends to ramble on a lot. Some of his information may be out of date. He can be cranky at times, but he likes to tell stories. ...
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"At some point many years ago, he handled an artifact contaminated with the FEV virus that caused him to mutate . He is now very old, sick, and he tends to ramble on a lot. Some of his information may be out of date. He can be cranky at times, but he likes to tell stories. ...