嘎抓是屬於主角及其家庭的巧手先生型管家機器人,從2077年起就生活在庇護山丘,只要在任务《超越时空》中触发特定条件后返回嘎抓身边,它可以被招募成为队友。 嘎抓在2077年10月23日前不久成為唯一倖存者一家的管家——之前裝他的盒子還被放在洗衣間里。由於沒有被允許進入1
If MacCready is an active companion during Special Delivery, when speaking to Jack Cabot he will imply that he believes in the extraterrestrial and that it freaks him out. This may also hint that he is fascinated with space and/or science fiction, as riding in the UFO ride in the Nuka-...
If the Sole Survivor has not yet started the quest Special Delivery, the ghoulEdward Deeganmay be encountered here, who then tries to recruit the player character to come work for his employerJack Cabot. While escortingLiberty Primetowards the Institute during the questAd Victoriam, it recognizes ...
Rose of Sharon Cassidy is not with her caravan at the time, but word reaches her and she is stuck at the Mojave Outpost.[659] 9月: The prisoners of NCR Correctional Facility, under the command of Samuel Cooke and Eddie, overthrow the NCR security at the NCR Correctional Facility and ...